AGE Bestiary: Alien Horrors (PDF)
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Green Ronin Publishing Press Release - AGE Bestiary: Alien Horrors--a Halloween Treat PDF
From the Green Ronin Website
Whether they chase you in your nightmares or just go bump in the
night, alien horrors are perfect for Halloween. Today we're scared to
present a new AGE Bestiary, all about alien horrors and how to use them
in your AGE system RPG campaign. Happy Halloween from Green Ronin!
AGE Bestiary: Alien Horrors (PDF)
AGE Bestiary: Alien Horrors (PDF)
Bushiroad Press Release - Today's Cards - 31st October 2013
From the Bushiroad Website
Exorcist, Kagenui Yozuru 影縫余弦 from 「偽物語」
Tsukumogami, Ononoki Yotsugi 斧乃木余接 from 「偽物語」
Animals are friends, 'Puchidol' [Chibiki] ちびき from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Helpful "Animal", Basilisk バジリスク from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Helpful "Animal" Eight-Forked Serpent ヤマタノオロチ from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Mayor of New Sakura City, Hime 槍桜ヒメ from 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」
Bear Down Samurai ベアダウン・サムラーイ
Dignified Silver Dragon
Today is the last day of October and it's going to be November tomorrow!
Did you know that November used to be the 9th month of the year in the ancient Roman calender?
Speaking of the past, it seems to me that some of the card introductions today seemingly reflect myth, legend and traditions of various cultures.
Did you know that November used to be the 9th month of the year in the ancient Roman calender?
Speaking of the past, it seems to me that some of the card introductions today seemingly reflect myth, legend and traditions of various cultures.
Weiß Schwarz
”You claim that it is unforgivable, yet what can you do at this moment in time”Exorcist, Kagenui Yozuru 影縫余弦 from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
”It seems like you have an affinity with strange beings of immortality, devil elder brother”Tsukumogami, Ononoki Yotsugi 斧乃木余接 from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
Brushing teeth, Araragi Karen 阿良々木火憐 from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
Time for brushing teeth 歯みがきタイム from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
MEIKO"Long Pareo" MEIKO from 「Hatsune Miku : Project DIVA f」
Chaos TCG
"Naisaa-!"Animals are friends, 'Puchidol' [Chibiki] ちびき from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Chaos TCG
"Dazo?"Helpful "Animal", Basilisk バジリスク from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Chaos TCG
"Wa, WAAA!"Helpful "Animal" Eight-Forked Serpent ヤマタノオロチ from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Victory Spark
"When on duty, address me as the Mayor!!"Mayor of New Sakura City, Hime 槍桜ヒメ from 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Stand proud even when you fall. There is no end to the way of the Grapple"Bear Down Samurai ベアダウン・サムラーイ
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"My dear friend, let us proceed! Silver Doom End!"Dignified Silver Dragon
Monster Collection
Red rain of Bullmarta ブルマルタの赤い雨 from ブースターパック「ジオテランの歌姫」
King of Pro-wrestling
King Kong Knee Drop キングコングニードロップ
King of Pro-wrestling
Monster Collection
Victory Spark
Weiss schwarz
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Green Ronin Publishing Press Release - Wild Cards SCARE Sheet 16: Genetrix (PDF)
From the Green Ronin Website
Today the latest Wild Cards SCARE Sheet PDF is available for sale in our Green Ronin Online Store, for just $1.29!
For Niobe Winslow, motherhood is both a fervent hope and a curse. The wild card virus has given her the power to birth aces, but her diminutive offspring are short-lived, and Niobe is on the run from those who see her—and her children—as nothing more than resources to exploit. (For Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition.)
Wild Cards SCARE Sheet 16: Genetrix (PDF)
In other Wild Cards news, it looks like we forgot to actually let you
know about SCARE Sheet #15, Noel Matthews, here on this blog. In case
you missed it, you can get that SCARE Sheet, too. We promise it's as
fresh as when it was first posted.
The spy game has been called a "wilderness of mirrors," but what—and who—Noel Matthews sees when he looks into one depends on the time of day. Is it the feminine avatar of the night, the masculine avatar of the day, or the intersexed British secret agent of the Order of the Helix?
Wild Cards SCARE Sheet 15: Noel Matthews (PDF)
For Niobe Winslow, motherhood is both a fervent hope and a curse. The wild card virus has given her the power to birth aces, but her diminutive offspring are short-lived, and Niobe is on the run from those who see her—and her children—as nothing more than resources to exploit. (For Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition.)
Wild Cards SCARE Sheet 16: Genetrix (PDF)
The spy game has been called a "wilderness of mirrors," but what—and who—Noel Matthews sees when he looks into one depends on the time of day. Is it the feminine avatar of the night, the masculine avatar of the day, or the intersexed British secret agent of the Order of the Helix?
Wild Cards SCARE Sheet 15: Noel Matthews (PDF)
AEG Press Release - Pacific Rim Championships – Final Outcomes
From the AEG Website
Alderac Entertainment Group
Legend of the Five Rings
AEG Press Release - Level 15 Stronghold Store Tournaments: Minor Ascendance
From the AEG Website
The Minor Clans of Rokugan have typically been relegated to the position of observers to history, interacting with the greater tapestry of the Empire’s story only in tangential ways, watching the Great Clans take the spotlight, and often, the favor of the Celestial Heavens. But there have been occasions when the Minor Clans have stepped forward to take the center stage, and often those have been occasions when they have changed history forever.
The clan that claims the most victories in this global storyline tournament will see their Minor Clan representative (those personalities that joined the Great Clans as a result of the European Championship top of clan prizes in 2012) will star in a special fiction detailing that personality stopping a significant plot against the Divine Empress.
In addition, the prevalence of kenjutsu as the major fighting style of Rokugan has never been debated, but there are many weapons well suited to a samurai. Each individual tournament winner may choose any one weapon traditionally employed in Rokugan, including but not limited to the bo, naginata, yari, yumi, and others. A character from the winner’s clan will be recognized throughout the Empire as a true master of that weapon, and gain much fame as a result.
Greetings Samurai of Rokugan!
We are proud to announce the
storyline implications for our Level 15 Stronghold Stores across the
world. Our events calendar will be updated with the specific information
for each Stronghold Store in the coming days!
Minor Ascendance
A Level 15 Global Storyline Event for the L5R RPG
The Minor Clans of Rokugan have typically been relegated to the position of observers to history, interacting with the greater tapestry of the Empire’s story only in tangential ways, watching the Great Clans take the spotlight, and often, the favor of the Celestial Heavens. But there have been occasions when the Minor Clans have stepped forward to take the center stage, and often those have been occasions when they have changed history forever.
The clan that claims the most victories in this global storyline tournament will see their Minor Clan representative (those personalities that joined the Great Clans as a result of the European Championship top of clan prizes in 2012) will star in a special fiction detailing that personality stopping a significant plot against the Divine Empress.
In addition, the prevalence of kenjutsu as the major fighting style of Rokugan has never been debated, but there are many weapons well suited to a samurai. Each individual tournament winner may choose any one weapon traditionally employed in Rokugan, including but not limited to the bo, naginata, yari, yumi, and others. A character from the winner’s clan will be recognized throughout the Empire as a true master of that weapon, and gain much fame as a result.
Alderac Entertainment Group
Legend of the Five Rings
AEG Press Release - Focus on Aftermath: Art
From the AEG Website
By: Adrian Burton
Aftermath was a set we went into with a batch of of new artists Dieter Miller, Immar Palomera, Krzysztof Ostrowski, Nicholas Kay, Zhi Kang Lim and all made a solid showing for their first or second appearances. Numbers wise we commissioned 146 illustrations and had 47 artists on board. With less artists we’ve found that we get to build stories more as each artist has 2 or 3 on average illustrations so I have been more and more trying to give someone a personality and maybe an action or two with that personality featured. As I look over my Aftermath image gallery I find it hard to pick out my favorites for each Clan, they had a pretty strong showing this set across the board. But I must, so lets take a look at what I feel is some of the top notch work this set.
The Crab have not seen much of their personalities this set. That said they do know they are getting Kaiu Esumi so I’ll speak on him, this is an unpleasant fellow, fiction in general has told us this much. I decided to dress him up a bit in some armor for his second showing and really his face is the key in this one just an ugly sneer showing his contempt for an assistant next to him. We also show off some siege weapons behind him. Jazz Siy drew Esumi, I’ve taken note his work shows up extra dark in printing, we’ve tried to correct better for this on future cards he has done. I feel Jazz did a great job capturing just how sour Esumi is. I’m excited to see if others feel the same way. I’m stoked for the Chris Burdett personality the Crab will be receiving as well it’s a great piece.
The easy one to pick would be Mario’s Doji Tatsuki Exp it’s as always beautiful. But I’d like to instead focus on Adam Schumpert’s Asahina Umehiko. As many of you know cards change during the design process, and I like to give you glimpses of that process, Umehiko is a prime example, he didn’t start with expendable, costed differently and had an open ability, he was a different fellow from where he ended up in design and I’m sure he changed a handful of times as design tested him. He started with Master Gardener and that was a trait that isn’t seen much or maybe even at all prior so we keyed to that trait and focused on an Asahina who just wanted to be left alone to his gardens. Yet he’s been intruded upon by a bandit type, so his response is to grumble slightly and request that the spirits escort the bandit away. I imagine Umehiko as a bit of an outcast among other Asahina, perhaps he has a temper he tries to keep under control or he has ideas not all find agreeable and he’s been happy to find himself tending the gardens of his temple.
My favorite was released the day I am writting this, Mirumoto Kalen by Tony Foti. Making sure people actually age has long been a goal and Kalen gets to be one of them. As he has the Yumi of Fire now we wanted to show that off as well the former Topaz Champion has seen better days but finding this artifact very well might put some spring back into his step. We kept his awesome scale armor, color scheme. We debated if he’d keep his helmet but to show off Tony’s skill at faces we went for headgear-less. We modeled the Yumi after it’s original Luis Vazquez art with some minor updates to the grip. I was asked by Kalen was so old looking, when he is only in his 50′s, my answer to that was have you seen someone in their 50′s that’s had an extremely hard a hard life? This is a man who has seen things. Togashi Obote is also a fun one this set, quirky, odd, totally Ize Zumi like to be meditating on a statues head. The arm tattoos came our really nice, I don’t think enough people appreciate how hard tattoos are to draw Hector did a solid job here.
So Lion got issued the double diptych this set Jason Engle’s Akodo Uehara / Akodo Kano and Mateusz Ozminski’s Kitsu Tamao / Matsu Miura. Both of which turned out really well. I’d like to focus on Mateusz’s as the piece is a bit of an oddity, Lions on a boat. Otemi had a boat but on the whole we don’t see the children of Akodo get on the high seas too much. We imagined these two as Kitsu born twins with mirror image birthmarks on their necks. A strong destiny tie to water, kharmic link, maybe a great destiny advantage. I may be channeling my love of the RPG into this a bit, but my point is this we often build the identity of a personality as if we are building up an RPG character. For Miura and Tamao this was really the case as we just started rattling off their advantages and disadvantages to get an idea who they are in the image. The details he included are just great, thicker ship like rope in Miura’s armor, wave like patterns in Tamao’s kimono. The coloring is also splendid being able to use the darker lion pallet on a boat and not make it all into a mush of browns, but more like a multi-layered chocolate bar in gold wrapping.
My favorite personality for the Mantis this set is Tsuruchi Shusaku by Hector Herrera. we had this concept of a savant Go Master a bit of a damaged human being but brilliant in his own ways. His scar we added to raise a question, is he brilliant because he is damaged or did being brilliant get him damaged? If I recall right I even had him use a go layout from a high profile game of Go we found online. Shusaku we really saw as a character who’d be strange to interact with, someone who’s not always there always off in his mind playing a game of Go or remembering a past game, planing the next several moves to counter his opponent. As a scout I really imagine him just wandering about in the woods knowing he wont be seen because he knows where the enemy will be and finding them is more a formality.
You guys have not had your previews and only one spoiled card much like the Crab this time round, I run into this issue every preview cycle. So I will say this about my favorite piece of your’s it’s a critter by Chris Burdett and it has a flow to it that is really fun and Chris really had a great time drawing it. You also have a personality who has a cameo from the Crazy Old Man from The Mystical Merchant and he should really reconsider his purchase, I have it on good authority that The Mystical Merchant once sold a Mogwai to some teens and it ended badly. Pheonix received a keyword personality for everything but void this set so it was fun getting to play with nearly all the elements. I think you will really dig your air personality.
Hard to pick on this one, but I will say this. You have seen one of your personalities in a card already, she was so awesome I had to find a slot for her somewhere and it finally happened. You last saw her looming large over a battered and beaten Phoenix and her artist is still Adam Schumpert. You also are getting a very strong showing from Nathan Arches in the form of a wolf masked samurai who really likes catapults. The bulk of your characters are women this time around and they are a deadly bunch if I do say so myself. Bayushi Wateru was a fun one, I couldn’t think of a card showcasing a female yojimbo protecting a female charge so Wateru was born from that idea.
This one is actually easy for me I really fell in love with Carlos NCT’s Daigotsu Endo. The tatters of his cloths, seeing through his forearm bones as he gazes at his undead body it has a haunted “what happened to me?” feeling which I just went crazy for when I first got the sketches. Daigotsu Chiboshi is a fun one as well she and her raised minions crashing down the hill. You don’t get to see it as much in the card but her eyes are very intense in the piece, she has a kill t hem all feeling to her that I really dig.
Like your sibling clans who have not had their previews yet I really only have Utaku Sakikoto comment on, fortunately she is one of my favorites for the set. I liked the combo of Destined and Reserve on her it adds to the feeling in the art, a feeling on anticipation, she’s ready to go make her mark to find her destiny and we see her in her quiet moments with her faithful friend before the storm. I was aiming to make all destined characters look rather young still and Sakiko really hit that mark solidly, she feels mid to late teens, she looks like she is still learning to steel herself. All of it adds up to a really solid piece from Nathan Arches who will be getting plenty more personality cards as he really proved himself to me this set.
Aftermath is one of those odd sets were everything really went well and it came out in the same year the art was commissioned in so the set still feels very new and fresh to me and I have a lot of fond memories from it. I hope you’re enjoying the previews, I find myself always stalking the forums looking at peoples comments about the art, and Aftermath has been very well received so far so it just solidifies my feelings that this was a great set and I’m quiet proud of it. Enjoy the remaining previews!
Aftermath was a set we went into with a batch of of new artists Dieter Miller, Immar Palomera, Krzysztof Ostrowski, Nicholas Kay, Zhi Kang Lim and all made a solid showing for their first or second appearances. Numbers wise we commissioned 146 illustrations and had 47 artists on board. With less artists we’ve found that we get to build stories more as each artist has 2 or 3 on average illustrations so I have been more and more trying to give someone a personality and maybe an action or two with that personality featured. As I look over my Aftermath image gallery I find it hard to pick out my favorites for each Clan, they had a pretty strong showing this set across the board. But I must, so lets take a look at what I feel is some of the top notch work this set.
The Crab have not seen much of their personalities this set. That said they do know they are getting Kaiu Esumi so I’ll speak on him, this is an unpleasant fellow, fiction in general has told us this much. I decided to dress him up a bit in some armor for his second showing and really his face is the key in this one just an ugly sneer showing his contempt for an assistant next to him. We also show off some siege weapons behind him. Jazz Siy drew Esumi, I’ve taken note his work shows up extra dark in printing, we’ve tried to correct better for this on future cards he has done. I feel Jazz did a great job capturing just how sour Esumi is. I’m excited to see if others feel the same way. I’m stoked for the Chris Burdett personality the Crab will be receiving as well it’s a great piece.
The easy one to pick would be Mario’s Doji Tatsuki Exp it’s as always beautiful. But I’d like to instead focus on Adam Schumpert’s Asahina Umehiko. As many of you know cards change during the design process, and I like to give you glimpses of that process, Umehiko is a prime example, he didn’t start with expendable, costed differently and had an open ability, he was a different fellow from where he ended up in design and I’m sure he changed a handful of times as design tested him. He started with Master Gardener and that was a trait that isn’t seen much or maybe even at all prior so we keyed to that trait and focused on an Asahina who just wanted to be left alone to his gardens. Yet he’s been intruded upon by a bandit type, so his response is to grumble slightly and request that the spirits escort the bandit away. I imagine Umehiko as a bit of an outcast among other Asahina, perhaps he has a temper he tries to keep under control or he has ideas not all find agreeable and he’s been happy to find himself tending the gardens of his temple.
My favorite was released the day I am writting this, Mirumoto Kalen by Tony Foti. Making sure people actually age has long been a goal and Kalen gets to be one of them. As he has the Yumi of Fire now we wanted to show that off as well the former Topaz Champion has seen better days but finding this artifact very well might put some spring back into his step. We kept his awesome scale armor, color scheme. We debated if he’d keep his helmet but to show off Tony’s skill at faces we went for headgear-less. We modeled the Yumi after it’s original Luis Vazquez art with some minor updates to the grip. I was asked by Kalen was so old looking, when he is only in his 50′s, my answer to that was have you seen someone in their 50′s that’s had an extremely hard a hard life? This is a man who has seen things. Togashi Obote is also a fun one this set, quirky, odd, totally Ize Zumi like to be meditating on a statues head. The arm tattoos came our really nice, I don’t think enough people appreciate how hard tattoos are to draw Hector did a solid job here.
So Lion got issued the double diptych this set Jason Engle’s Akodo Uehara / Akodo Kano and Mateusz Ozminski’s Kitsu Tamao / Matsu Miura. Both of which turned out really well. I’d like to focus on Mateusz’s as the piece is a bit of an oddity, Lions on a boat. Otemi had a boat but on the whole we don’t see the children of Akodo get on the high seas too much. We imagined these two as Kitsu born twins with mirror image birthmarks on their necks. A strong destiny tie to water, kharmic link, maybe a great destiny advantage. I may be channeling my love of the RPG into this a bit, but my point is this we often build the identity of a personality as if we are building up an RPG character. For Miura and Tamao this was really the case as we just started rattling off their advantages and disadvantages to get an idea who they are in the image. The details he included are just great, thicker ship like rope in Miura’s armor, wave like patterns in Tamao’s kimono. The coloring is also splendid being able to use the darker lion pallet on a boat and not make it all into a mush of browns, but more like a multi-layered chocolate bar in gold wrapping.
My favorite personality for the Mantis this set is Tsuruchi Shusaku by Hector Herrera. we had this concept of a savant Go Master a bit of a damaged human being but brilliant in his own ways. His scar we added to raise a question, is he brilliant because he is damaged or did being brilliant get him damaged? If I recall right I even had him use a go layout from a high profile game of Go we found online. Shusaku we really saw as a character who’d be strange to interact with, someone who’s not always there always off in his mind playing a game of Go or remembering a past game, planing the next several moves to counter his opponent. As a scout I really imagine him just wandering about in the woods knowing he wont be seen because he knows where the enemy will be and finding them is more a formality.
You guys have not had your previews and only one spoiled card much like the Crab this time round, I run into this issue every preview cycle. So I will say this about my favorite piece of your’s it’s a critter by Chris Burdett and it has a flow to it that is really fun and Chris really had a great time drawing it. You also have a personality who has a cameo from the Crazy Old Man from The Mystical Merchant and he should really reconsider his purchase, I have it on good authority that The Mystical Merchant once sold a Mogwai to some teens and it ended badly. Pheonix received a keyword personality for everything but void this set so it was fun getting to play with nearly all the elements. I think you will really dig your air personality.
Hard to pick on this one, but I will say this. You have seen one of your personalities in a card already, she was so awesome I had to find a slot for her somewhere and it finally happened. You last saw her looming large over a battered and beaten Phoenix and her artist is still Adam Schumpert. You also are getting a very strong showing from Nathan Arches in the form of a wolf masked samurai who really likes catapults. The bulk of your characters are women this time around and they are a deadly bunch if I do say so myself. Bayushi Wateru was a fun one, I couldn’t think of a card showcasing a female yojimbo protecting a female charge so Wateru was born from that idea.
This one is actually easy for me I really fell in love with Carlos NCT’s Daigotsu Endo. The tatters of his cloths, seeing through his forearm bones as he gazes at his undead body it has a haunted “what happened to me?” feeling which I just went crazy for when I first got the sketches. Daigotsu Chiboshi is a fun one as well she and her raised minions crashing down the hill. You don’t get to see it as much in the card but her eyes are very intense in the piece, she has a kill t hem all feeling to her that I really dig.
Like your sibling clans who have not had their previews yet I really only have Utaku Sakikoto comment on, fortunately she is one of my favorites for the set. I liked the combo of Destined and Reserve on her it adds to the feeling in the art, a feeling on anticipation, she’s ready to go make her mark to find her destiny and we see her in her quiet moments with her faithful friend before the storm. I was aiming to make all destined characters look rather young still and Sakiko really hit that mark solidly, she feels mid to late teens, she looks like she is still learning to steel herself. All of it adds up to a really solid piece from Nathan Arches who will be getting plenty more personality cards as he really proved himself to me this set.
Aftermath is one of those odd sets were everything really went well and it came out in the same year the art was commissioned in so the set still feels very new and fresh to me and I have a lot of fond memories from it. I hope you’re enjoying the previews, I find myself always stalking the forums looking at peoples comments about the art, and Aftermath has been very well received so far so it just solidifies my feelings that this was a great set and I’m quiet proud of it. Enjoy the remaining previews!
Alderac Entertainment Group
Legend of the Five Rings
Bushiroad Press Release - Today's Cards - 30th October 2013
From the Bushiroad Website
The undying strange, Araragi Tsukihi 阿良々木月火 from 「偽物語」
Bigger of the younger sisters, Araragi Karen 阿良々木火憐 from 「偽物語」
Twin who likes mischief 'Puchidol' [Koami] こあみ from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Twin who likes mischief 'Puchidol' [Komami] こまみ from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Dragonic Gaias ドラゴニック・ガイアース
Rainbow-calling Bard
If you haven't noticed, there are no Victory Spark introductions today because we are featuring a Ro-kyu-bu! SS Tomoka deck! Do check it out as it contains strategies as well as other very useful information for her deck! >.<
It's the end of the month, and as a great man once said "Winter is coming". ;)
There is a rather interesting coincidence today. Previews of both WS and Chaos are both of a pair of sisters! =O
There is a rather interesting coincidence today. Previews of both WS and Chaos are both of a pair of sisters! =O
Weiß Schwarz
"Have a good day"The undying strange, Araragi Tsukihi 阿良々木月火 from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
"Go back to your room and study a bit, elder brother."Bigger of the younger sisters, Araragi Karen 阿良々木火憐 from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
Megurine Luka"Resort Bikini" 巡音ルカ from 「Hatsune Miku : Project DIVA f」
Chaos TCG
"Tokaa-"Twin who likes mischief 'Puchidol' [Koami] こあみ from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Chaos TCG
"Chii-"Twin who likes mischief 'Puchidol' [Komami] こまみ from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Finish polishing your fangs. Now is the time to fulfill their purpose."Dragonic Gaias ドラゴニック・ガイアース
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Let's sing a song...... of the heroes who saved the world."Rainbow-calling Bard
Monster Collection
Sniper Captain White Hawk 狙撃隊長ホワイトホーク from ブースターパック「ジオテランの歌姫」
King of Pro-wrestling
Berserk King Kong, Togi Makabe 真壁刀義If you haven't noticed, there are no Victory Spark introductions today because we are featuring a Ro-kyu-bu! SS Tomoka deck! Do check it out as it contains strategies as well as other very useful information for her deck! >.<
King of Pro-wrestling
Monster Collection
Weiss schwarz
Days of Wonder Press Release - Ticket to Ride iPad Halloween Special On Sale for $2.99/€2.69
From the Days of Wonder Website
What’s worse than a Ship of Fools… a Train of Ghouls! Get ready for a hauntingly fun train ride with a special Ticket to Ride Halloween Treat for iPad owners. We’re lowering the price on Ticket to Ride for iPad for Halloween to just $2.99 in the US and €2.69 in Europe. Normally $6.99/€5.99, in seconds you can be playing the most highly regarded boardgame on the iPad for nearly 60% off the regular price!
They’re Baaaack…
We’re not stopping there. Just like zombies, the Ghost Catcher and Pumpkin Master Halloween Achievements in Ticket to Ride for iPad have returned from the dead – giving those of you who weren’t able to capture them last time another shot at it. For a short time only, you’ll be treated to the special haunted train station and you can once again attempt to earn the two Halloween Achievements in Ticket to Ride for iPad.
Don’t wait, the season is upon us and it’s time to pick up your Ticket to Ride for iPad Halloween Treat – now on-sale for only $2.99/€2.69 just for the Halloween season.
The Halloween version and the limited-time discount is now available. You can update or purchase Ticket to Ride for iPad now by visiting the App Store.
What’s worse than a Ship of Fools… a Train of Ghouls! Get ready for a hauntingly fun train ride with a special Ticket to Ride Halloween Treat for iPad owners. We’re lowering the price on Ticket to Ride for iPad for Halloween to just $2.99 in the US and €2.69 in Europe. Normally $6.99/€5.99, in seconds you can be playing the most highly regarded boardgame on the iPad for nearly 60% off the regular price!
We’re not stopping there. Just like zombies, the Ghost Catcher and Pumpkin Master Halloween Achievements in Ticket to Ride for iPad have returned from the dead – giving those of you who weren’t able to capture them last time another shot at it. For a short time only, you’ll be treated to the special haunted train station and you can once again attempt to earn the two Halloween Achievements in Ticket to Ride for iPad.
Don’t wait, the season is upon us and it’s time to pick up your Ticket to Ride for iPad Halloween Treat – now on-sale for only $2.99/€2.69 just for the Halloween season.
The Halloween version and the limited-time discount is now available. You can update or purchase Ticket to Ride for iPad now by visiting the App Store.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Game Review – Nippon Rails
It has been a while since I have written a review of one of
the Empire Builder series of games so this week I will review one of the less
common ones out there: Nippon Rails.
The game is set in the land of the Rising Sun, Japan and
like all games in the Empire Builder series is a game about developing and
using a rail network in that country.
Nippon Rails plays like all of the other Empire Builder
games. It uses the unique feature of the
Empire Builder family of games, the free form building of track. The player uses special crayons that are
included with the game to draw their track on the board. Between games the marking from the previous
game are erased from the game so that in the next play of the game the players
start with a fresh board.
Game play is fairly simple. The player gets three demand cards at the
start of the game. Each of the demand
cards has three different load demands on them.
In order to complete the card, a player must deliver one of loads on a
card to the city that needs the item.
Once the load is delivered the player discards the demand card and gets
a new on in its place. If the player
does not like the demand cards they have they can opt to lose a turn and
replace all of them.
A turn goes as follows.
The player moves their train along their track on the board, and then
builds any additional track they need or upgrade their train before passing the
turn. The amount of movement the train
can take depends on the size of train they have. The starting train moved 9 spaces and can
carry 2 loads. The super freight, which
is the best train can move 12 spaces and carry 3 loads. During the build phase the player can spend
up to 20 million yen to upgrade their train or build additional track. Tack costs are the same as other games in the
series, 1 million yen for plains, 2 million yen for mountains, 5 million yen
for alpine, +2 million for a river crossing, and +3 million for a inlet
crossing. In addition there is an option
to build a tunnel from Honshu to Hokkaido for 20 million yen. In
order to win Nippon Rails you must be the first to connect the four major
cities and have 250 million yen.
As with all the games in the Empire Builder series, Nippon
Rails can be slow for players that are new to the game, mostly because they are
not familiar with the map and where the loads originate from. Because of this, I always recommend that new
players play with the fast start rules to help speed the game along. In the case of Nippon Rails those fast start
rules are the player starts with five demand cards and they must discard down
to three by the end of the pre-build. The
train speeds are increased from 9 to 12 for Freight and Heavy Freight and 12 to
16 for Fast and Super Freight. The Tax Card is ignored.
The thing that I like about the current addition of Nippon
Rails is that they made it possible to win the game if you start in the
north. In previous editions if you
started anywhere be in the south, you were guaranteed to lose the game.
The thing that I do not like about the game is that because
of the shape of the board there is only one viable option to win the game. You need to build your north south track as
quickly as possible and do one or two delivery runs along that track to
win. The other issue with the game is
that unlike the other games in the series the number of players for this game is
2 – 4 instead of the standard 2 – 6 because the board is so narrow.
If you are looking for a game to try in the Empire Builder
series of games, this is not your best option.
You are much better off trying either Empire Builder or Eurorails. Even though they tried to fix some of the problems
that the first edition had they just cannot get around the problem of the shape
of the board. With this in mind I only
recommend Nippon Rails for players who are completing their collection of
Empire Builder games and those that really want to play a train game based in
If You Are Interested In Purchasing This Game:
Bushiroad Press Release - Today's Cards - 29th October 2013
From the Bushiroad Website
Primp and proper, Sengoku Nadeko 千石撫子 from 「偽物語」
Welcome お出迎え from 「偽物語」
How long do you plan to be in there?"
Passionate personality, Araragi Tsukihi 阿良々木月火 from 「偽物語」
TSUKIHI Phoenix つきひフェニックス from 「偽物語」
'Puchidol' instructions with a speaker [Chihya] ちひゃー from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Energy from rice balls 'Puchidol' [Afuu] あふぅ from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Responsibilities as a mayor, Hime 槍桜ヒメ from 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」
Pluto Blaukluger プルート・ブラウクリューガー
As previously reported, the World Championship is in Germany this weekend. Do check out the official English Cardfight!! Vanguard site for more information with the link below:
New titles this week! >.<
Although we didn't mention it yesterday, it seems like we will be introducing 2 new sets starting this week.
From Victory Spark series, 夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜. and from Chaos TCG, ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-.
Although we didn't mention it yesterday, it seems like we will be introducing 2 new sets starting this week.
From Victory Spark series, 夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜. and from Chaos TCG, ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-.
Weiß Schwarz
"It, it, it's not like Nadeko is mustering up courage because it's the first time Koyomi came here to visit or anything, okay"Primp and proper, Sengoku Nadeko 千石撫子 from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
"Hey, Koyomi, come on in"Welcome お出迎え from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
"Even so, you were in the bath for a long time elder brother. How long do you plan to be in there?"
Passionate personality, Araragi Tsukihi 阿良々木月火 from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
matter what injuries, what illnesses, she will quickly recover, and
continue to do so until the end of her lifespan. And when death comes---
she will reincarnate"TSUKIHI Phoenix つきひフェニックス from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
Kagamine Rin"School Swimwear" 鏡音リン from 「Hatsune Miku : Project DIVA f」
Chaos TCG
"Kukkuu-!"'Puchidol' instructions with a speaker [Chihya] ちひゃー from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Chaos TCG
"Nano!"Energy from rice balls 'Puchidol' [Afuu] あふぅ from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Victory Spark
"The city... I will protect everyone in the city"Responsibilities as a mayor, Hime 槍桜ヒメ from 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"It is because of his strength that he earned the title, Lord of the Underworld"Pluto Blaukluger プルート・ブラウクリューガー
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"The knight will never look back, as there is a reliable partner guarding it."Rendgal
Monster Collection
Hawkeye Stun Grenade 鷹眼のスタングレネード from ブースターパック「ジオテランの歌姫」
King of Pro-wrestling
Original TTD オリジナルTTDAs previously reported, the World Championship is in Germany this weekend. Do check out the official English Cardfight!! Vanguard site for more information with the link below:
King of Pro-wrestling
Monster Collection
Victory Spark
Weiss schwarz
Green Ronin Publishing Press Release - Now Pre-Ordering: Emerald City
From the Green Ronin Website
You Are Now Entering Emerald City
After looking through the recently offered preview of Emerald City, it's now time to explore the rest of the West Coast's most exciting new destination.
Emerald City is a new setting for Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition and is designed to be the perfect place for new characters to establish themselves as heroes of the city. The set of books includes the Player's Guide to Emerald City (for players), Secrets of Emerald City and the Emerald City Knights adventure series (for GMs), and a giant map of Emerald City, all in a slipcase. Everything you need to start a new series with your friends.
You can either pre-order the books for $59.95 and get the PDFs for only $5 more, or acquire the PDFs on their own for $30.00!
[Note: The PDFs don't include the index yet, but we will be adding that before the books go to print, and updating the PDFs at that time.]
After looking through the recently offered preview of Emerald City, it's now time to explore the rest of the West Coast's most exciting new destination.
Emerald City is a new setting for Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition and is designed to be the perfect place for new characters to establish themselves as heroes of the city. The set of books includes the Player's Guide to Emerald City (for players), Secrets of Emerald City and the Emerald City Knights adventure series (for GMs), and a giant map of Emerald City, all in a slipcase. Everything you need to start a new series with your friends.
You can either pre-order the books for $59.95 and get the PDFs for only $5 more, or acquire the PDFs on their own for $30.00!
[Note: The PDFs don't include the index yet, but we will be adding that before the books go to print, and updating the PDFs at that time.]
If You Are Interested In Purchasing The Items Here:
Z-Man Games Press Release - Blueprints at the Toy & Game Expo in Ottawa!
From the Z-Man Games Website
Blueprints will be pre-launched at the Toy & Game Expo in Ottawa on November 2nd!
Designer Yves Tourigny will be at our booth at the Toy & Game Expo to explain the game and answer your questions. This is the first canadian appearance for Blueprints, more that one month before it officially hits stores!
So come over to our booth and get the chance to chat with the designer about his game, and play a game or two.
You will also be able to find tons of Z-Man titles for sale at the booth, as well as demos of Parade and Pandemic!
Blueprints will be pre-launched at the Toy & Game Expo in Ottawa on November 2nd!
Designer Yves Tourigny will be at our booth at the Toy & Game Expo to explain the game and answer your questions. This is the first canadian appearance for Blueprints, more that one month before it officially hits stores!
So come over to our booth and get the chance to chat with the designer about his game, and play a game or two.
You will also be able to find tons of Z-Man titles for sale at the booth, as well as demos of Parade and Pandemic!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Bushiroad Press Release - Today's Cards - 28th October 2013
From the Bushiroad Website
Sharp intuition, Hitagi Senjyogahara 戦場ヶ原ひたぎ from 「偽物語」
Elder Sister of all 'Puchidol' [Chi-chan] ちっちゃん from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
First class hole digging 'Puchidol' [Yukipo] ゆきぽ from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
"Heeey, wait for me everyone-!"
Tomoka and Maho in Swimsuits 湊智花&三沢真帆 from 「ロウきゅーぶ!SS」
Broken Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei “Reverse” 哀哭の宝石騎士 アシュレイ “Я”
Sanctuary Guard Dragon
The display of Puella Magi Madoka Magica at Wald 9, Shinjuku.
Those waiting for the screenings at their country, do bear with it a little more! >.<
It's the start of a new week! Finally, clear skies! Brilliant day!
The World Championships at Singapore and LA are finally over! How did everyone fare?
Also, the World Championship is coming to Germany this weekend! Are you all ready?
The World Championships at Singapore and LA are finally over! How did everyone fare?
Also, the World Championship is coming to Germany this weekend! Are you all ready?
Weiß Schwarz
As a lover, Senjyogahara Hitagi 戦場ヶ原ひたぎ from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
Sandy beach for two 二人の砂浜 from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
“It' 5, isn't it? The number of girls Araragi fooled around with today”Sharp intuition, Hitagi Senjyogahara 戦場ヶ原ひたぎ from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
Hatsune Miku"Polka Dot Bikini" 初音ミク from 「Hatsune Miku : Project DIVA f」
Chaos TCG
"Meh!"Elder Sister of all 'Puchidol' [Chi-chan] ちっちゃん from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Chaos TCG
"Boeh!"First class hole digging 'Puchidol' [Yukipo] ゆきぽ from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Victory Spark
"Does, does this suit me...?""Heeey, wait for me everyone-!"
Tomoka and Maho in Swimsuits 湊智花&三沢真帆 from 「ロウきゅーぶ!SS」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Now, my resolution is firm......... Lost Foundation!"Broken Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei “Reverse” 哀哭の宝石騎士 アシュレイ “Я”
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Begone, evil beings! I am the sword, the guardian dragon of this sanctuary!"Sanctuary Guard Dragon
Monster Collection
White Hawk Dragon Gunner ホワイトホークの龍銃兵 from ブースターパック「ジオテランの歌姫」
King of Pro-wrestling
Viscious Bull, Hiroyoshi Tenzan 天山広吉The display of Puella Magi Madoka Magica at Wald 9, Shinjuku.
Those waiting for the screenings at their country, do bear with it a little more! >.<
King of Pro-wrestling
Monster Collection
Victory Spark
Weiss schwarz
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