There are many new things to discover in this expansion of Dungeon Petz, but the most exiting one (in our humble opinion) is the new board: the Dark Alleys of Imp Town where there are all sorts of weird things happening…
There are many different spaces to visit with your imps on the new Dark Alleys board. These space works exactly like the ones in the base game: you place a group of imps on them and perform the appropriate action.
The top part of the board is the Black Market. There is only one space available for the Black Market each turn. The Black Market allows you to purchase any of the items currently available. Items are placed in the Black Market at the beginning of the game, but never replaced, so the availability of products in the Black Market diminishes throughout the game.
The items available in the Dark Alleys Black Market are as follows:
Artifact: Take an Artifact.
Cage: You may take a cage.
Food: Choose from one of the food offerings form the space and take the amount of food allowed.
Illegal Immigrant: The Dark Alleys expansion comes with one additional imp worker, that is not associated with any player. Once you are able to get your hands on this imp, he will be yours until the end of the game. However, since he is an illegal immigrant, he does not have the proper paperwork to be allowed to work in Imp Town, so if he is spotted, you will be in big trouble. He can ONLY work on your player board; you cannot send him to the city.
Improvement: Take the cage improvement.
Pet: You can simply take the pet that is in the location. It starts of as a size 2 pet, but it will not get any bigger until it is released from the Black Market.
In the lower middle part of the board you will see a brightly colored wagon. In it, there is the mystical Seer, and like all good Seers, this one can see the future and help you out in one of the following ways:
• Look at any unrevealed contest or buyer
• Draw 1 of each pet need cards - you have to throw away the extra cards after you deal the cards to your pets
When visiting the Seer, you must remove 1 gold from one of the available items in the Black Market, making it cheaper to purchase.
In the lower left corner of the board, you will be able to access Facilities. The game comes with 6 different facilities and one is revealed at random at the beginning of each round. When you choose to use the Facility action, you place a marker on the last Facility that appeared, but you can still use any of the facilities available. If you do not visit the Facility space again, your marker stays were it is and you can use the Facility it is on, and the ones that where revealed before it, but never the ones revealed after. If you wish to use Facilities you don’t have access to, you must visit the Facility space again and move your marker.
In the lower right corner, you will be able to pick up an accessory for your pet.
There you have it! That's just a preview of what you can find in Dungeon Petz: Dark Alleys. Come and check it out at our booth in Essen!
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