Well, looks like more events are in store for Singapore and LA this weekend...
Unlike Japan, where we are expecting another typhoon to hit yet again. T_T
Typhoon no.27 is expected to move slowly across the lower areas of Japan, so visitors may want to take note that flights may be delayed or cancelled during this period...
Unlike Japan, where we are expecting another typhoon to hit yet again. T_T
Typhoon no.27 is expected to move slowly across the lower areas of Japan, so visitors may want to take note that flights may be delayed or cancelled during this period...
Weiß Schwarz
“Even if I like the feel of freedom, I do not go outside naked--- most of the time”Feeling of freedom, Kanbaru Suruga 神原駿河 from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
“Memories will always be placed in the heart”Handling of memories 思い出の扱い from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
“That reminds me, the apologies have yet to be said”'Fake'Kaiki Deishu 貝木泥舟 from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
Kagamine Rin"Striped Bikini" 鏡音リン from 「Hatsune Miku : Project DIVA f」
"Stop fooling around!"Super high school level motorcycle gang [Owada Mondo] 大和田紋土 from 「ダンガンロンパ THE ANIMATION」
"Wah ha ha ha ha"Soul brothers [Owada Mondo] & [Ishimaru Kiyotaka] 大和田紋土&石丸清多夏 from 「ダンガンロンパ THE ANIMATION」
Victory Spark
"Hot springs, hot springs""Outdoor bath-!"
Exciting happening, Hinata 袴田ひなた from 「ロウきゅーぶ!SS」
Victory Spark
"D-delicious!"Snacks with everyone, Hinata 袴田ひなた from 「ロウきゅーぶ!SS」
Victory Spark
"What could Subaru be up to at this very moment..."Primping in a yukata, Tomoka 湊智花 from 「ロウきゅーぶ!SS」
Victory Spark
"We will not lose in terms of friendship!"Pool cleaning, Tomoka 湊智花 from 「ロウきゅーぶ!SS」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"The strong will not always win.Wait for the right chance, and the weak will claim victory"
Tempest Stealth Rogue, Fuuki 嵐の忍鬼 フウキ
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Let's heed the cal to victory, my dear friends,and crush the enemy forces!"
Eradicator, Sweep Command Dragon
Monster Collection
Shower Blossom シャワー・ブロッサム from ブースターパック「ジオテランの歌姫」
King of Pro-wrestling
King of Strong Style, Shinsuke Nakamura 中邑真輔
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