Today is the last day of October and it's going to be November tomorrow!
Did you know that November used to be the 9th month of the year in the ancient Roman calender?
Speaking of the past, it seems to me that some of the card introductions today seemingly reflect myth, legend and traditions of various cultures.
Did you know that November used to be the 9th month of the year in the ancient Roman calender?
Speaking of the past, it seems to me that some of the card introductions today seemingly reflect myth, legend and traditions of various cultures.
Weiß Schwarz
”You claim that it is unforgivable, yet what can you do at this moment in time”Exorcist, Kagenui Yozuru 影縫余弦 from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
”It seems like you have an affinity with strange beings of immortality, devil elder brother”Tsukumogami, Ononoki Yotsugi 斧乃木余接 from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
Brushing teeth, Araragi Karen 阿良々木火憐 from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
Time for brushing teeth 歯みがきタイム from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
MEIKO"Long Pareo" MEIKO from 「Hatsune Miku : Project DIVA f」
Chaos TCG
"Naisaa-!"Animals are friends, 'Puchidol' [Chibiki] ちびき from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Chaos TCG
"Dazo?"Helpful "Animal", Basilisk バジリスク from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Chaos TCG
"Wa, WAAA!"Helpful "Animal" Eight-Forked Serpent ヤマタノオロチ from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Victory Spark
"When on duty, address me as the Mayor!!"Mayor of New Sakura City, Hime 槍桜ヒメ from 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Stand proud even when you fall. There is no end to the way of the Grapple"Bear Down Samurai ベアダウン・サムラーイ
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"My dear friend, let us proceed! Silver Doom End!"Dignified Silver Dragon
Monster Collection
Red rain of Bullmarta ブルマルタの赤い雨 from ブースターパック「ジオテランの歌姫」
King of Pro-wrestling
King Kong Knee Drop キングコングニードロップ
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