Tuesday, October 15, 2013

AEG Press Release - Sail to India Artist Diary: Charting the Course

Sail to India Artist Diary: Charting the Course

Artist Juhani Jokinen has kindly provided us with a look into the creation of the cover illustration for Sail to India.

When John Goodenough from AEG contacted me about a commission to paint the cover for Sail to India game, I was happy to accept. Maritime art is one of my favorite genres and I immediately had a few ideas for the painting. I proceeded to search for reference of 16th century merchant ships and prepared 3 sketches for the client to choose from.

STI Art-1

The art director decided to go with the first sketch and I started the painting process. I had a fairly good idea of what I was going to do but I  still needed to find the right colors. The ship took the bulk of the painting time with all the details and complex shapes. Much of the detail work was to come later, this step was simply about finding the shapes and the correct mood for the image.

STI Art-2

So far the folks at AEG seemed happy with image so it was easy for me just to proceed and finish the image. A lot of detail work was done at this stage, including the ropes, other ship details and the port in the background. This part of the process is often the easiest one since all the heavy lifting has already been done. After the painting process was done I did the final color adjustments and then the image was done.

STI Art-3

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