Friday, October 11, 2013

After Action Report – Thursday Night Gaming @ Paradise Perks, October 10, 2013

I went to Thursday Night Gaming at Paradise Perks again this week.  Attendance was back to normal again with 20 -25 people attending the event and games being played at any one time.

I was able to play 2 games at the event.

The first was K2.  The players take the role of a team of two climbers trying to get to the top of K2.  The higher that a climber moves up the mountain, the more points the player scores.  The player must keep in mind the amount of oxygen that their climber has.  If the climber runs out of oxygen he dies and is reduced to giving the player only one victory point.

Movement and oxygen costs are on each space on the board.  The higher up the mountain the player goes the more each space costs to go.  The players are provided a deck of cards that are used to determine movement and oxygen.  The player uses two of these cards at a time to move their climbers and resupply them.  Play lasts over 18 rounds and the player who gets his climbers the farthest up the mountain wins.

I had a rough start to the game.  I was only able to get one of my climbers going at a decent pace providing him oxygen and most of the movement points I was getting but the other players were able to keep pace with my fastest climber with both of their climbers.  I was able to get a surge of movement cards after my front climber reached the first check point and quickly propel him up to the fourth check point, but soon had to have him drop back down to a lower point on the mountain because I could not supply him with oxygen.  I then started moving my other climber up the mountain waiting to get more oxygen for my first climber so he could move up the mountain higher than he had been before, but I was not able to get enough oxygen to allow him to do that.  I was not able to get my second climber far enough up the mountain so I ended the game in fourth place out of four players.

The second game that I played was Tobago.  The theme of Tobago is that the players are explorers on the island of Tobago looking for treasures.  The way that the game works is the players are given a set of map cards which they then play to narrow the focus of their search for one of four treasure.  Once the treasure is limited to being in one hex one of the players retrieves the treasure and the spoils are divided among the players that participated in the search by how many cards that they added to the search.  The person with the most treasure points wins the game.

I started the game trying to focus on one treasure that the other players were interested in.  It was the first treasure picked and I got the most treasure from it.  I then spent the rest of the game adding cards to as many hunts as possible so that I could get treasures when they were found.  As a result I was in on all but two pay outs.  With the amount of treasure I was able to pull in from these hunts, I was able to win the game.

My stats for the event are:

No. of Plays




 If You Would Like to Get These Games


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