Friday, October 25, 2013

Warlord Games Press Release - New: 4Ground Pre-painted Terrain

From the Warlord Games Website

Check out this amazing new range of laser-cut pre-painted buildings and terrain pieces, that look great in World War II battles right back to Napoleonic era games.

If you want to battle through Normandy, the Ardennes, Holland and Germany, get dug in on the Eastern front or fight a Napoleonic campaign through Europe, this range enables you to get high quality terrain on the battlefield in double quick time.

The Hotel Complex is also available as separate kits. This stone-built style became common from the 1800’s onwards, with many examples still standing today right across Europe. As part of a battlefield these buildings really help when creating an interesting scenario; either as an operational HQ on a rural roadside or as a well defended bastion in the centre of a hard fought street fight:

The roofs are all removable, and they are covered with characterful, pre-painted detail inside and out.

The Polish, Russian and Ukrainian dwellings will give an authentic look to any rural European battlefield:

Complete the rural look with some fencing – with or without gates:

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