Friday, October 25, 2013

AEG Press Release - The Resolution Series: The Shireikan’s Student

From the AEG Website

The Resolution Series: Tournaments for the L5R CCG

Over the history of the Legend of the Five Rings brand, there have been many storylines that have reached an epic and satisfying conclusion, most with the full participation of L5R’s amazing and engaging fanbase. Due to the nature of the ongoing storyline, however, it is inevitable that some plotlines fail to achieve proper resolution, and some simply fall by the wayside entirely. It is unfortunate, but a part of the ongoing, constantly reshaped narrative that has made L5R unique in the CCG world. This season, a series of tournaments will be taking place that are intended to revisit some of these forgotten plotlines, bringing closure where none was had in previous arcs. These plotlines will come from both the desires of the Story Team to find closure, and from those stories that the fans have asked for repeatedly over the years. It’s time for memories to come alive!

The Shireikan’s Student

To be held on November 9th, 2013, in Killington, Vermont, USA.

A Storyline Tournament for the L5R CCG
The position of Shogun of the Empire was first proposed by the ronin Sun Tzu countless centuries ago, but it was not realized until the powerful personality of Akodo Kaneka, illegitimate son of the Emperor Toturi I, established it in reality rather than simple theory. Kaneka served for several years, first during a period of empty throne, then in the name of his brother, Emperor Toturi III. In time, he perished, and eventually the position passed to the warrior Moto Jin-Sahn. But both men were served by the same commander, the same second-in-command who made their wishes a reality. Shiba Danjuro, shireikan of the Shogun, is one of the most celebrated names in Shiba history. He served as Shogun himself briefly after Moto Jin-Sahn’s retirement, but abdicated shortly thereafter. His service did not end, however; he became one of the greatest sensei of the Phoenix Clan, and taught students of many clans.

The winner of this tournament will see Shiba Danjuro’s finest student arise from the ranks of his faction. This individual will become known throughout the Imperial Legions as an officer and a worthy inheritor of Danjuro’s legend. In addition, the top placing Phoenix player in this tournament will help the Story Team determine the final fate of Shiba Danjuro and the nature of his lasting influence in the Phoenix Clan.

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