One more catch-up post, then it's on to the actual post for the day...
With the various teaching sessions for Buddyfight going on around the world, have you tried out the game for yourself yet?? Xp
With the various teaching sessions for Buddyfight going on around the world, have you tried out the game for yourself yet?? Xp
Weiß Schwarz
“I'm proud of my elder brother”'Surrounding fire bee', Araragi Karen 阿良々木火憐 from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
“Does elder brother have any regrets”Celebrity of Tsuganiki 2nd Junior High, Araragi Tsukihi 阿良々木月火 from 「偽物語」
Weiß Schwarz
“What I would like to tell you is, what I would like to tell you is,lots of dots form a line, and rings out to the far reaches"
Hatsune Miku"Linkage" 初音ミク from 「Hatsune Miku : Project DIVA f」
"It's outrageous to be late!"Super high school level discipline committee [Ishimaru Kiyotaka] 石丸清多夏 from 「ダンガンロンパ THE ANIMATION」
"I am no longer Ishimaru! It's me! It's has always been me!"Understanding Owada's thoughts [Ishimaru Kiyotaka] 石丸清多夏 from 「ダンガンロンパ THE ANIMATION」
Victory Spark
"W-wait, Maho...!"Pool cleaning, Saki 永塚紗季 from 「ロウきゅーぶ!SS」
Victory Spark
"Let's try our best, and win!"Keishin Academy 6th grader, Saki 永塚紗季 from 「ロウきゅーぶ!SS」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"I told you so! That it was sour, didn't I!"Lemon Witch, Limonccino 檸檬の魔女 リモンチーノ
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"You shouldn't reveal secrets nearby.Don't you know that ravens are very smart?"
Witch of Ravens, Chamomile
Monster Collection
Rainbow Multi-headed Dragon, Kilim 虹の多頭竜キリム from ブースターパック「ジオテランの歌姫」
King of Pro-wrestling
High Fly Flow ハイフライフロー
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