Friday, October 4, 2013

Z-Man Games Press Release - Essen Game Previews - GLASS ROAD - Something Special: Production Wheels.

From the Z-Man Games Website

Like another popular Uwe Rosenberg game, Ora & Labora, Glass Road includes a Production Wheel mechanic. However, the Production Wheel in Glass Road is entirely different from any other Production Wheels you have seen in the past.

The Production Wheel in Glass Road, is actually two different wheels: one for your Brickworks and one for your Glassworks. Both Wheels are there to indicate the number of goods you have available.

Each of the Production Wheels is divided into two sections. The larger area is for basic goods, such as Water, Wood, and Clay. The smaller area is for refined goods, such as Glass and Bricks. Whenever both brown sectors on the Wheels do not have any resources on them, they MUST be rotated until one of the spaces is no longer empty. 

In this example, before the rotation there was: 1 Food, 2 Quartz, 2 Charcoal, 3 Water and 4 Wood. After the rotation, we now have less of everything, and no longer have any Food. However, on the other side of the Wheel, there is a little green pawn, it represents Glass, a refined resource. With the rotation of the Wheel, a refined resource, Glass, was created.

So manage your resources wisely, because you could lose something you needed if you’re not paying attention to the different sections of the Wheels.

Well, there you have it, that was the new Production Wheels that you will be able to discover in Glass Road, one of the fantastic games premiering in Essen October 24th.

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