Saturday, October 5, 2013

AEG Press Release - 2013 Emerald Championship – Sacramento, California, USA

From the AEG Website

10030158 - Test of the Emerald Champion

AEG is proud to announce that the 2013 Emerald Championship will be held in Sacramento, California, USA, on November 9th, 2013. Please visit for further information on the tournament, it’s structure, and the surrounding area!

The Emerald Championship

The conflict with the insidious Dark Naga is at last ended, with that sinister abomination having been driven from the Empire by the forces of the Emerald Champion. Unfortunately, the battle to defeat the Dark Naga was a costly one, and the injuries sustained by Utaku Ji-Yun are such that she cannot continue in the execution of her duties. Thus, the time of the Emerald Championship is upon Rokugan once again, and the finest and most honorable of all warriors gather to seek the position as the chief arbiter of the Emperor’s laws.

The winner of this tournament will determine the clan affiliation of the new Emerald Champion. The winner may select any non-experienced, non-unique personality affiliated with their clan to take up the position. This personality must have the Samurai keyword. Additionally, the top Unicorn player at this event will work with the Story Team to determine what becomes of Utaku Ji-Yun after her tenure as Emerald Champion is concluded.

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