Friday, February 28, 2014

Days of Wonder Press Release - Small World 6-Player Map now available worldwide

From the Days of Wonder Website

A little help from a friend won’t be too much to ask if you want to conquer the biggest Small World so far… Pair up in teams and attempt to rule the land together. Despite the growing landscape, you’ll find there still isn’t enough room to accommodate you all!

This double-sided map gives you a new way to play Small World and Small World Underground. Teams of two players combine to compete against others, with each team member playing their own Race/Special Power combo and keeping their own Victory coins. But there is an ingenious twist… it’s the point total of the LOWEST team member that decides your score against the other teams!

The Game Crafter Press Release - The Flux Capacity Publishing Challenge

From the Game Crafter Website

The Flux Capacity is an up and coming board game publisher in Canada with two great titles under their belt, and more to come soon. TFC is looking for another game to add to their line-up and that’s where you come in.

All TFC games have significant replay value with a strong theme and solid mechanics. Their games are targeted at families with players aged 13 or older.

The Game Crafter Press Release - Running a Hot Convention Table Without Booth Babes

From the Game Crafter Website

The Game Crafter recently sponsored a Designer’s Table at OrcCon 2014 for Kevin Warner and his team. It was a successful event and Kevin wanted to share some helpful tips on how to run a exhibitor table at a game convention. You can see photos and read more about his experience on facebook or google+

Mongoose Publishing Press Release - Noted (and Notable) Judges of Mega-City One

From the Mongoose Publishing Website

A closer look at the most famous Judges to walk the streets of Mega-City One

Judge Giant

Judge Giant was a cadet when Dredd first met him, having only just been awarded the accolade of Rookie Judge. Giant’s father had been a famous aeroball player for the Harlem Heroes, but Giant’s Pappy, wanting something better for him, had encouraged him into trying to become a Judge. In order to become a full Judge, however, Giant would have to prove his abilities and knowledge of the law to Dredd. He accompanied Dredd on patrol, but Giant’s first encounter with a perp was far from successful: in his eagerness to impress Giant shot Dredd in the face, only the Judge’s helmet saving him. Dredd failed Giant but when news reached them of a kidnapping Giant pleaded to be given another chance. Dredd agreed, letting him handle the kidnapping situation on his own. The duo sped to the Old Heroes Bowl, where Giant’s Pappy had played aeroball. Using a combination of inherited athletic prowess and heroism Giant dealt with two of the perps, but a third perp was holding a kidnapped kid hostage up on the girders of the stadium, threatening to explode a bomb that had been strapped to the kid. Giant used a jetpack to reach the kidnapper and the hostage.

Warlord Games Press Release - Pre-Order: Plastic Napoleonic British Line Infantry

From the Warlord Games Website

Our latest plastic boxed sets take us back to the Napoleonic Wars! We are now adding two British Line Infantry sets to our existing French and Russian plastic ranges…

Available for pre-orders from today are Peninsular War British Line Infantry and Waterloo British Line Infantry – ready to march into battle and crush the tyrant Bonaparte’s armies!

Warlord Games Press Release - Pre-Order: Napoleonic British special offers

From the Warlord Games Website

Any self-respecting Napoleonics wargamer aspires to playing the huge set-piece battles of the era, so to get you on the way to amassing Wellington’s forces (and save some cash!) we’ve created these special offers:


Warlord Games Press Release - New: Japanese Type 4 Ho-Ro self-propelled gun

From the Warlord Games Website

Add some heavy support to your Japanese forces with the Type 4 Ho-Ro self-propelled gun.


Warlord Games Press Release - New: Japanese Special Naval Landing Force

From the Warlord Games Website

Out now is our latest Bolt Action Imperial Japanese boxed set – the Special Naval Landing Force!


Warlord Games Press Release - New: Bronze Age Early City-State Spearmen

From the Warlord Games Website

The latest releases for our Early/Middle Bronze Age range from Cutting Edge Miniatures are three sets of City-State Spearmen.

Warlord Games Press Release - New: Bronze Age Paint Set

From the Warlord Games Website

We at Warlord have put our heads together and sorted out the colours that we use to paint models, saving you the time looking through paint codes and giving you more time actually putting paint to model. Fantastic chaps the we are we’ve also knocked a little bit off the total price.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Bushiroad Press Release - Today's Cards - 27th February 2014

From the Bushiroad Website

Indeed it has turned warmer these past few days!  Going to work without a scarf doesn't seem so bad at all.

Except the fact that it was drizzling... (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

Today's Cards - 27th February 2014
Weiß Schwarz
"I could do it if I tried!
So, let me sleep lots when I get back~!"
2nd Furutaka Class, Kako 加古 from 「艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-」

Mongoose Publishing Press Release - Book 1: Mercenary Second Edition

From the Mongoose Publishing Website

As many of you will no doubt be excited to hear, serious work has begun on the second edition of Book 1: Mercenary for Traveller. It looks like it will be a slightly bigger tome than before, jam-packed with all sorts of goodies for military type characters, with a focus squarely set on mercenaries and mercenary campaigns.
So, what can you expect to see?

We have divided this book into six parts (at present).

Mayfair Games Press Release - Greg Schloesser reviews Global Mogul

From the Mayfair Games Website

Greg Schloesser has reviewed Global Mogul for an upcoming issue of Counter Magazine.
He was kind enough to give us permission to quote his conclusion about the game:
Global Mogul is a challenging and tense game, one that tests players’ abilities to properly balance numerous factors and adapt to the actions of their opponents.  Players must keep their eyes on a multitude of different areas.  It isn’t enough to concentrate on filling contracts.  Controlling markets and regions is important, as is gaining those valuable end game bonuses.  To do this, one must continuously build their resource production so that contracts can be filled and markets can be dominated.  Income can be gained from those venture capitalists, but consistently fulfilling contracts can reduce or even eliminate the need for using a valuable action and agents to obtain money in that fashion.
Thanks so much to Greg and Counter Magazine for the thorough and thoughtful review! If you want to read more of the article, and there is a lot more with detail on the game, go visit Counter Magazine.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - Tips! is now available on Kickstarter

From the Game Crafter Website


Tips! is a new game by Chad Foster, illustrated by Shawn Fone. It’s a card for 2 to 8 players, and it plays in 15-20 minutes.

Green Ronin Publishing Press Release - Atlas of Earth-Prime: United States of America (PDF)

From the Green Ronin Website

Wild Cards SCARE Sheet 20: Tom WeathersToday we kick off our next PDF series for Mutants & Masterminds with Atlas of Earth-Prime: United States of America. This 11-page, full-color PDF complete with Hero Lab files is available for sale in our Green Ronin Online Store for just $1.99!

Visit a world not our own, but strangely familiar, a world of heroes and villains, of wonders and dangers, and limitless adventure! The Atlas of Earth-Prime is a trip around the world of the Freedom City and Emerald City settings for the Mutants & Masterminds Superhero RPG, looking at different regions and their heroes, villains, features, and opportunities, giving you a whole world to explore for your game. All for less than the cost of a new comic book!

Onyx Path Publshing Press Release - New Release: Blood and Smoke ST Screen

From the Onyx Path Publishing Website


Now available from DriveThruRPG!
  • Full color, 11″ x 25.5″ collage of selected beautiful art from Blood and Smoke
  • Three 8.5″ x 11″ pages of collected charts and tables selected to make your Storyteller job a bit easier
  • One cover sheet with the product info on it

AEG Press Release - Eternity Card MRP Distribution

From the AEG Website

With the impending release of Ivory Edition, we at AEG are working diligently to provide your store with the tools necessary to grow the L5R Community in your area and ensure movement of our products.

We realize that brick and mortar “friendly local game stores” are critical to the success and growth of our game and therefore want to support them in every way we can. With that in mind, we are pleased to inform you that AEG will be sending directly to our retailers special promotional packs, containing the Alternate Art printings of our L5R Eternity Cards.

Bushiroad Press Release - Today's Cards - 26th February 2014

As more and more Kancolle cards are revealed, it also means that the trial deck is going to be on sale soon!  Soon, you will be able to assemble your own fleet!


Today's Cards - 26th January 2014
Weiß Schwarz
"It's been a long day. Would you like to take a bath first? Dinner?
Or maybe... I'm just joking"
Hosho Class Light Cruiser, Hosho 鳳翔 from 「艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-」

The Game Crafter Press Release - SaltCON and the Ion Award Competition

From the Game Crafter Website

Being a game designer can be tough at times, especially when you are trying to promote your game or make connections with people in the industry. One important tool you can use to help you break down some of those barriers is a game design competition. 

SaltCON is an annual board gaming convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, where you can enter a game design competition specifically for unpublished games, the Ion Award competition. They also have a great game library, volunteers who teach games and various other gaming events to help attendees have fun and meet new people.

Warlord Games Press Release - Sculptors Wanted!

From the Warlord Games Website

We’re looking to add more freelance sculpting capacity to our historical ranges.
We’re not looking for science fiction/fantasy sculptors at this stage – purely those with an appreciation of historical wargaming and preferably (although not essential) a knowledge of military history/uniforms.
If you think you can match (or exceed!) the level of our current sculptors we’d love to hear from you as we have a number of exciting new projects you could help us with.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hero Games Press Release - Hero Designer Source Code

From the Hero Games Website

HERO Games is pleased to announce a new product designed to cater to application developers for the HERO System: HERO Designer Source Code access. By purchasing access to the HERO Designer source code, developers will gain access to the full source for HD, access to a new "developers' forum" where they can ask questions, discuss projects, and receive guidance on integrating HERO Designer's code into their own projects and designs. See the product offering in the store for full details.

Onyx Path Publishing Press Release - Writer All-Call: Follow Up

From the Onyx Path Publishing Website

The all-call (you know, this thing) is going well. We’ve got a few dozen submissions so far, and I’m looking forward to reading through them snagging some new folks for whatever the heck my next project turns out to be.

We have had a few questions that come up often enough to merit this post, however. So, here is another bulleted list!

Z-Man Games Press Release - Fairy Tale – Richard Garfield Variant

From the Z-Man Games Website

This variant applies to the team play in Fairy Tale. When playing in teams, the game remains relatively the same, however, at the end of the game, both team member’s scores are cumulated to see which team wins.

In Richard Garfield’s take on the team game; things get a little more complex.

Monday, February 24, 2014

AEG Press Release - The Ivory Edition Storyline

From the AEG Website

Ivory Edition is nearly upon us, and with it comes great change, both to the world of Rokugan and to the interactive story experience that you have come to expect from the Legend of the Five Rings brand. There have been certain hints and mentions of how this is going to take place over the past few months, but the time has come to be more specific.

First and foremost, we are augmenting the normal L5R experience with an unprecedented undertaking: the creation of the first interactive Legend of the Five Rings novel. Throughout the entirety of the Ivory Edition arc, there will be unique storyline tournaments and events that will allow exclusive impact on the story taking place in the L5R Novel. This will include individual tournaments, global storyline events, votes by the Imperial Assembly, and other special means that will allow the entire L5R fan-base to participate in the creation of this new opportunity.

In addition to devoting our resources to the creation of the novel, the L5R Story Team will be rededicating itself to the quality and continuity of the fictions published on the website during the course of each month. Fictions will be released every other week on the website, each one having had ample time for proper research and editing to ensure that there are no continuity problems and that we have crafted an enjoyable narrative while simultaneously reflecting the input of the L5R fans at every available opportunity.

Ivory Edition is a brave new world for the L5R story experience, and I hope that you’re going to enjoy it as much as we’ve enjoyed planning it so far.

AEG Press Release - Changes to the Story Team

From the AEG Website

oday I would like to speak to you not only as the Lead Writer for the L5R Story Team, but also as a fan of the L5R story and a fan of writing in general. This will come as no surprise to most of you, since I believe it has been general knowledge for quite some time, but with the advent of Ivory Edition, we are losing a member of our family; Nancy Sauer is departing the Legend of the Five Rings Story Team after many years of meritorious service.

On the one hand, I am incredibly eager to see what new projects Nancy has planned, and as perhaps the single greatest fan of her work, you can rest assured that I will be first in line to see whatever it happens to be, whenever it becomes available.

Bushiroad Press Release - Today's Cards - 24th February 2014

From the Bushiroad Website

It's the start of a brand new week!!  Was a good weekend too, as many new products were released,  not to mention the various events that took place here in Tokyo! ^o^/

Let's see if we can get a few photos up over the next few days...

Today's Cards - 24th February 2014
Weiß Schwarz
"Battleship Fuso, heading out"
1st Fuso Type Battleship, Fuso 扶桑 from 「艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-」

Z-Man Games Press Release - 2014 New in the Z-Man Collection: Carcassonne Mini-Expansions!

From the Z-Man Games Website

All six Carcassonne mini-expansions will soon be available in stores! You will be able to find them at your favorite store this April!
Here are the 6 mini expansions:
#1 – Flying Machines
#2 – The Messengers
#3 – The Ferries
#4 – The Gold Mines
#5 – Mage & Witch
#6 – The Robbers
If you collect the 6 mini expansions, you will be able to play with the 7th mini expansion: The Crop Circles!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

After Action Report – Strategic & Adventure Game Association @ El Toro Public Library, February 22, 2014

I had a fun day at the Strategic & Adventure Game Association Event at the El Toro Public Library on Saturday.  24 people were at the event and 5 games were being played at any one time throughout the day.

We also had Rob Huffman from the Huff-N-Stuff Podcast at the event.  He was in town and decided to come to the event.  If you get a chance you should check out his podcast at

I was able to play two games from the Empire Builder family at the event.

For those that are unfamiliar with the Empire Builder games here is a brief description of how they are played.

The players own railroad companies that are competing to build rail lines and move freight from one city to another based on a set of demand cards that they have.  Once a demand on a demand card is completed the player discards it and draws a new one from the deck.  Included in the demand card deck are a number of disaster cards which include things like derailments and river floods which impede the player’s progress to victory.

The unique feature of the Empire Builder family of games is the free form building of track that it allows.  The player uses special crayons that are included with the game to draw their track on the board.  Between games the marking from the previous game are erased from the game so that in the next play of the game the players start with a fresh board.

The first one I played was Russian Rails.  Russian Rails starts in the Soviet Union era and can extend to after the fall of communism.  The board includes the western half of the Soviet Union extending east to Alma- Ata in what is now Kazakhstan.  The game plays similarly to all of the other games in the Empire Builder family.  The game was the first to add bonus deliver cards in a big way to the game.  It also has a unique hazard card that causes the fall of communism which takes away 20% of all of the player money and adds a toll for people entering Russia from the other countries that used to make up the Soviet Union.

I was worried at the start of the game.  My beginning set of demand cards did not work well together so I discarded them on my first turn.  The replacement cards were much better than what I had but they were focused towards the western side of the board which is not where I usually start my game.  The cards would give me enough track and money left over to expand my rail network for the new cards I would get as the game went on so I kept them.  As the game progressed I was able to get some good synergy going between the cards that I was getting and the track that I had.  Unfortunately, it was not enough I was two and a half turns out from winning the game when one of the other players claimed the victory.

The other game I played was India Rails.  India Rails is the version of the game that takes place in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.  The only added rule for this game is the ability for transporting pilgrims from one region to another for a minimal payment inside India.  I believe that this feature was added to help offset a couple of major disasters that can destroy a player’s game if they do not have the cash to build back track and they do not want to sacrifice their current hand.

In the India Rails game I had a great start.  Instead of being suckered into starting in Sri Lanka like I have been doing for the last year with less than optimal results, I had to demand cards with jute on them which made me start in Bangladesh and deliver in the central western and not western parts of the board.  With my first set of cards which included another delivery that I could make as well, I would be able to 120 million which would be able to get me most of the rest of the track I needed in the game plus both of my upgrades.  From there it was mostly smooth sailing.  I did have a couple of less than optimal runs and had to discard my hand twice but I had enough momentum in the game that I was able to win it with relative ease.

My stats for the event:

No. of Plays
Russian Rails
India Rails



Saturday, February 22, 2014

AEG Press Release - Not Well-Defended Enough!

From the AEG Website

Greetings, Samurai of Rokugan!

As we prepare for the 2014 Kotei season, a problem has come to our attention. That problem is the Ashigaru deck, or more specifically, the cards Exotic Farmlands and Well-Defended Farm. These cards, while being ok on their own, combine with each other and a few other cards to create a situation that we, on Design, do not like. They give a lot of static Force at effectively no cost. What we mean by this is that Well-Defended Farm is a 2 Gold producing Holding, and its ability is “always on”, you don’t have to bow it. Exotic Farmlands does have a cost, and a hefty one at that, but playing it generally wins you the game, which is a pretty good deal. In Ivory Edition, there are few answers available to this amount of extra Force. Based on discussions among playtesters and top players from around the world, we believe there are essentially four options available:

Friday, February 21, 2014

Hero Games Press Release - Hero Combat Manager Update v1.0.3

From the Hero Games Website

The newest version of Hero Combat Manager has been released! If you've already purchased Hero Combat Manager, you can re-download the new version from your downloads area.

Release Notes for v1.0.3

Bug Fixes:
  • Changing Character Type but hitting cancel causes character to disappear
  • GM Adjust screen after cancel button pops up numerous times
  • Aid/Drain problems in Attack Dialog and GM Adjust are resolved
  • END Tracking for held characters
  • Targets list are wrong after SPD/DEX changes
  • AoE and Aid/Drain causes unexpected results
  • Entangle Roll for NPC does not show the Body
  • Adjusting Flash Phases did not work properly
  • Drain to Negative value causes Exception error
  • Flash Defense is not working

After Action Report – Thursday Night Gaming @ Paradise Perks, February 20, 2014

I went to Thursday Night Gaming at Paradise Perks for a night of gaming.  There were 2- 35 people at the event with 5 games being played at any one time.

I played three different games at the event and was even able to play one of them twice.

The first game of the evening was Tsuro, which was the game that I played two times.  Tsuro is a light game in that if it takes more that 20 - 30 minutes to play you are doing something wrong.  Tsuro consists of a 8 tile by 8 tile playing area.  The players take turns placing tiles on the board and moving their pieces along the trail on those tiles.  Once the player’s piece goes off the edge of the board or runs into another player’s piece they are out of the game.  The last player with a piece on the board wins the game.

In the first game I was able to keep moving my piece around the board away from the other players.  One of the players was eliminated after about half of the tiles were placed leaving three of us to continue on.  I then made a mistake and placed a tile that ran me one of the other players and ended the game by eliminating both of us.

Bushiroad Press Release - Today's Cards - 21st February 2014

From the Bushiroad Website

It's finally the long awaited day! The release of Kill La Kill and Log Horizon Trial deck!

Log Horizon contains all new cards and will be exclusive to the trial deck while Kill La Kill will include 5 new cards!

Time to log in, and go on an adventure!

Today's Cards - 21st February 2014
Weiß Schwarz
"If you wish to know the answer, try using your skills"
Ruling Student Council President, Satsuki 鬼龍院皐月 from 「キルラキル」

Mayfair Games Press Release - Pompeii: Play the game, see the movie!

From the Mayfair Games Website

A new movie starring Kit Harrington (Game of Thrones), Emily Browning (Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events) and Kiefer Sutherland (24) will take viewers to the fabled city of Pompeii in AD 79.

This year, as you know if you've played Mayfair Games' Downfall of Pompeii™ is the year that Mount Vesuvius erupted. So if you want to see first hand what being at ground zero of one of the worst days in human history was like, or if you just like stirring movies set in the ancient world, you should dust of your copy of Downfall of Pompeii™ then go see Pompeii!

Mongoose Publishing Press Release - Famous Firefight: Duel of Judges

From the Mongoose Publishing Website

The Story of Judge Gibson AKA Mutie the Pig

Judge Gibson had been a cadet at the same time as Dredd, and was a close friend – but in his disguise as Mutie the Pig he also undertook numerous hideous crimes. When Gibson realised his alter-ego and life of crime had been uncovered by Dredd, Gibson sought to murder his friend. Fortunately for Dredd, he felt Gibson’s laser sight linger on him just before Gibson pulled the trigger, and avoided being shot. However, in order to nail Gibson, Dredd needed the bent Judge to think he was dead so the crimes would continue to be perpetrated, affording Dredd the necessary evidence. Dredd faked his own funeral, then burst in on Gibson while he was committing another crime as Mutie the Pig.

Onyx Path Publishing Press Release - Do You Want to Walk the Onyx Path?

From the Warlord Games Website

Disclosure Form (public)

Sounds ominous, doesn’t it?

We’re looking for some new writers. That’s the long and short of it. We have some really awesome people working on our books right now, but the problem is that some of the same people are working on all our books, and that’s not a good situation long term. Leads to burnout and so forth. And having new perspectives and voices is a good thing.

Here’s the way this is going to work, then.
1) Digitally sign the submission NDA (attached to this post).
2) Attach that with your submission (see below) and send it to Make sure you include your name, address, a quick CV with any other published work (especially for RPGs), and tell us what game line(s) you think you’d be best suited for.
3) Wait feverishly.

Warlord Games Press Release - New: Panzer IV Ausf. F2/G medium tank

From the Warlord Games Website

Adding more punch to your German armies is this new resin Bolt Action vehicle which reflects two versions of the Panzer IV medium tank – the Ausf. F2 and Ausf. G.


Warlord Games Press Release - New: Black Powder Special Offers

From the Warlord Games Website

We’ve put together 5 new special offers to help you fill out your Black Powder forces and save money at the same time! For details of what each special offer contains and what your saving is, simply click on the images below…


Warlord Games Press Release - New: British Oerlikon light anti-tank gun (1939-40)

From the Warlord Games Website

Reinforce your brave British Expeditionary Force with this unusual-looking tracked anti-tank gun.


Warlord Games Press Release - New: Judge Dredd Citi-Def Squad

From the Warlord Games Website

This week we add a new force to the world of the Judge Dredd miniatures game – the Citi-Def!


Warlord Games Press Release - New: Mega-City Mercenaries

From the Warlord Games Website

Out today, a whole host of mercenaries and characters to add firepower to your Mega-City gangs:


Warlord Games Press Release - Beyond the Gates of Antares: the Game Setting

From the Warlord Games Website

Beyond the Gates of Antares game designer, Rick Priestley explains more about the game setting and answers the burning question – what are the Gates of Antares?

Rick: So far we’ve seen work in progress on the models for the Antares game, and I’ve talked a bit about the game system, but I’ve not made any mention of the background to the game – the fictional setting of the Antarean universe. One question I keep being asked is ‘what exactly are the Gates of Antares’ so, this week I thought I’d write a little bit about this core idea behind the game setting.

Warlord Games Press Release - Rules: Dad’s Army in Bolt Action

From the Warlord Games Website

As the characters and the (mis)adventures portrayed in the Dad’s Army TV series are not all that serious, neither are these rules – we don’t recommend these for use in tournaments!


Thursday, February 20, 2014

AEG Press Release - Renewal – 2014 Kotei Season Storyline Event

From the AEG Website

Greetings Samurai of Rokugan!

Below you will find the details of the 2014 Kotei Season Storyline Event: ‘Renewal


 In the aftermath of the chaotic madness that plagued the Colonies and whose effects were even felt in Rokugan, the dust begins to settle. Now the, Clans begin to advance their own interests and goals. This reassertion of the prior status quo may benefit the Empire as a whole, but in the meantime, some see opportunities to gain power for their Clans, and even themselves…
 It is still a chaotic time and order must be restored, but at what expense?
 Renewal has begun.

Bushiroad Press Release - Today's Cards - 20th February 2014

From the Bushiroad Website

Did anyone catch the WS Nico broadcast? Yes, two of the three new trial decks will be on sale starting from tomorrow!

Are you excited for Kill La Kill? Or Log Horizon?

We are also very excited to announce the Asia Championship for both Cardfight!! Vanguard and Weiss Schwarz!  For those who are still in the dark, please check it out at our blog post below!

Today's Cards - 20th February 2014
Weiß Schwarz
"Like-I-said, we should punish them in this manner"
Elite Four of the Student Council, Sanageyama 猿投山渦 from 「キルラキル」

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hero Games Press Release - Legendsmiths Update: Narosia; Sea of Tears

From the Hero Games Website

Legendsmiths is preparing for a GenCon release of the Narosia; Sea of Tears fantasy RPG. This game leverages the HERO System Toolkit to create a unique, stand-alone, action-fantasy RPG experience. In addition, Narosia uses a system of cards that allow the players to influence the plot by roleplaying the meddling gods of the world. This divine intervention mechanic adds to the epic feel and scale of the game, engaging all of the players to shape the story.

Backers from Narosia's Kickstarter campaign will be running introductory adventures at GenCon to give everyone an opportunity to explore the game. Additionally, Legendsmiths will be running a new adventure, Depths of Baradahm, at Origins and GenCon. This adventure continues the story from the introductory adventure included in the rulebook. Depths of Baradahm will be included in the forthcoming Narosia GM Resource Kit. This kit will include the adventure, a deck of Divine Intervention Cards, a GM Screen, and more.

Legendsmiths would like to thank all of the backers of the Narosia: Sea of Tears project for their continued support. It will be hosting a gathering to celebrate the release of the book at GenCon, open to backers and fans alike. Keep an eye on for details.

Bushiroad Press Release - Today's Cards - 19th February 2014

From the Bushiroad Website

Looks like we are going to escape the wrath of the snow storms this week!

Hopefully this continues until spring finally arrive! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪

Today's Cards - 19th February 2014
Weiß Schwarz
"Well, well. Gamo, Sana, Inu have been disgraceful"
Elite Four of the Student Council, Jyakuzure 蛇崩乃音 from 「キルラキル」

Warlord Games Press Release - Rules: Famous Characters of the Pacific Theatre

From the Warlord Games Website

These historical characters, presented with a somewhat ‘Hollywood’ style, are here to add flavour to your armies. They may be included in future official publications, but in the meantime they are published in a ‘trial mode’, so you shouldn’t expect to use them in a tournament for example. Rather, we would like YOU to give them a try and let us know what you think – are these good fun? Too unbalancing? Should they be used in tournaments? Let us know on the forum.
Warlord doesn’t currently produce miniatures for all these characters, so feel free to use stand-ins, or even better, convert your own (and if you do, please post up a photo!).

Warlord Games Press Release - Rules: Armadillo Improvised Fighting Vehicle

From the Warlord Games Website

Our Bolt Action Additional Rules PDF has been updated with rules for the newly released Armadillo Improvised Armoured Vehicle.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Wizards of the Coast Press Release - Funko Announces Licensing Agreement with Wizards of the Coast To Produce Magic: The Gathering Planeswalker Figures

From the Wizards of the Coast Website

Funko is excited to announce a new licensing agreement with Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. (NYSE: HAS) to produce Magic: The Gathering Planeswalker figures for their popular Pop! Vinyl Figures and new Legacy Collection Action Figures lines.

“We are deeply honored and very excited that Wizards of the Coast chose Funko as a partner to develop truly cool collectibles for Magic: The Gathering. I know the fans of Magic have been waiting nearly 20 years to get their hands on some fantastic Action Figures and stylized Vinyl figures. I promise that we won’t disappoint them!” said Brian Mariotti, CEO of Funko.

Bushiroad Press Release - Today's Cards - 18th February 2014

From the Bushiroad Website

It's just past the middle of the month, and this weekend will be the release of 「キルラキル」 and 「ログ・ホライズン」trial decks for Weiss Schwarz, as well as the long awaited English version Cardfight!! Vanguard BT12: Binding Force of the Black Rings!

Are you ready? Prepare to be reversed!! ψ(`∇´)ψ

Today's Cards - 18th February 2014
Weiß Schwarz
"We have just received her information"
Elite Four of the Student Council, Inumuta 犬牟田宝火 from 「キルラキル」

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - H4Ck3Rs_ is now on Kickstarter!

From the Game Crafter Website

You probably haven’t heard of Legend Zero, but they’ve been planning for this moment for a long time. Legend Zero has been working on this game for nearly four years, and finally the H4Ck3Rs_ Trading Card Game comes to kickstarter!

Bushiroad Press Release - Today's Cards - 17th February 2014

From the Bushiroad Website

Last Friday's snowstorm turned out to be almost as bad as the one from the previous week.  Fortunately, it died down for normal activities to resume over the weekends.

And yet another one is slated to hit this Wednesday and Thursday!  Hopefully it stops before the weekend as well (ノдヽ)

Today's Cards - 17th February 2014
Weiß Schwarz
"You claim that you will choose friendship over your life, huh"
Elite Four of the Student Council, Gamagoori 蟇郡苛 from 「キルラキル」

Z-Man Games Press Release - 2014 New to the Z-Man Collection: Clash of Cultures Civilizations

From the Z-Man Games Website

Rejoice clash of Cultures fans for the time is near! The Clash of Cultures expansion will be available this fall! Clash of Cultures Civilizations offers you:

- 14 different civilizations with unique advances. Will you lead the Romans to victory with Julius Cesar? Or claim the land with Greece’s Leonidas? Maybe you will conquer all with the help of Ramses II; or plan a surprise attack with Attila and his Huns? These are just a fraction of the choices this expansion will offer.

- More minis! Elephants and horses! But they won’t be available for each civilization…so if you want them, you’ll have to choose!

- Much, much more!

Stay tuned in the coming months for more in-depth details about the game. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Game Crafter Press Release - Windfall is now available on Kickstarter!

From the Game Crafter Website

Windfall is a game that pits Guardians (players) against one another in an epic game of survival. The players become a Guardian of their choice, and they must do whatever it takes in order to outlast their opponent. To break down the game, in its simplest form: Defeat all Guardians on the opposing side of the field.

Onyx Path Publishing Press Release - New Release: Mummy: The Curse ST Screen

From the Onyx Path Publishing Website

Mummy ScreenNow available in PDF from DriveThruRPG: Mummy: The Curse Storyteller’s Screen
The Mummy: The Curse Storyteller’s Screen includes:
  • Full color, 11″ x 25.5″ collage of selected beautiful art from Mummy: The Curse
  • Three 8.5″ x 11″ pages of collected charts and tables selected to make your Storyteller job a bit easier
  • One cover sheet with the product info on it