just past the middle of the month, and this weekend will be the release
of 「キルラキル」 and 「ログ・ホライズン」trial decks for Weiss Schwarz, as well as the long awaited English version Cardfight!! Vanguard BT12: Binding Force of the Black Rings!
Are you ready? Prepare to be reversed!! ψ(`∇´)ψ
Are you ready? Prepare to be reversed!! ψ(`∇´)ψ
Weiß Schwarz
"Well, hold on tight...... but don't hold on to my waist!"Shiroe Riding a Griffon シロエ from 「ログ・ホライズン」
Weiß Schwarz
"Kikuzuki, heading out......!"9th Mutsuki Class Destroyer, Kikuzuki 菊月 from 「艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-」
Weiß Schwarz
"Sorry. I flubbed it.""Not on Purpose" Mayoi Hachikuji 八九寺真宵 from 「Bakemonogatari」
Chaos TCG
"Come, let's go all out with a bang♪""Nagao Family" Dragon of Echigo [Miku] 長尾美空景虎 from 「戦国†恋姫 ~乙女絢爛☆戦国絵巻~」
Chaos TCG
"Well how about this then!""Nagao Family" Kakizaki [Zakuro] Kageie 柿崎柘榴景家 from 「戦国†恋姫 ~乙女絢爛☆戦国絵巻~」
Chaos TCG
"That's how you get tagged as a weirdo......""Nagao Family" holding the reins [Akiko] 直江秋子景綱 from 「戦国†恋姫 ~乙女絢爛☆戦国絵巻~」
Chaos TCG
"This beautiful country cannot simply be handed over to demons"Promise by the Lake 淡海の約束 from 「戦国†恋姫 ~乙女絢爛☆戦国絵巻~」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Too slow, too slow! You have to get in 2 hits before breakfast!"Blue Storm Marine General, Spyros 蒼嵐水将 スピロス
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Ah, sacred beasts, demonic beasts,their existence itself has been distorted."
Star-vader, Dust Tail Unicorn
Monster Collection
Cloud Deity, Aether 雲神アイテール from トライアルデック 「風神竜」
King of Pro-wrestling
Maru KEN Tag Team, Naomichi Marufuji 丸藤正道
Five qross
"Crunchy crunchy is my true self, being a softie just isn't me! That's how I am!"Awakened Open My Flower, Morizono Wakana 森園わかな from 「プリティーリズム・レインボーライブ」
Future Card Buddyfight
"Aerial combat. It's not about dominating area, but your opponent's space."Blade Wing Dragon ブレイドウィング・ドラゴン
Future Card Buddyfight
"Aerial combat. It's not about dominating area, but your opponent's space."Blade Wing Dragon ブレイドウィング・ドラゴン
Hmmm... seems like we may have forgotten about the food among all the Wooser Cafe posts... XD. Anyway, here's one of the more interesting ones, the red bean soup... not that anyone can tell...
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