Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mongoose Publishing Press Release - Noble Armada End of Line Sale

From the Mongoose Publishing Website

This is a sad day for us but, hopefully, some of you will get a boon out of it.

After discussions with Holistic Design (the ultimate owners of Noble Aramada and Fading Suns), the decision has been made to end the current A Call to Arms: Noble Armada game and miniatures line.

We feel we had a really good swing at this - Nine fleets in all, we explored some of empires/ships that had not really been looked at in great detail before, and we shifted the fleets away from the 'everyone gets a Galliot' feel to one where they started to distinguish themselves and gain their own character.

However, the sales have never really been high or even optimum on the line as a whole. We pulled a few of you ex-Babylon 5 players across, and some original Noble Armada players still out there joined us as well but, regretably, the game never really gained critical mass. And yes, there was some overshadowing by Star Fleet.

We were willing to continue the game as a 'boutique' line, designing new ships and selling via mail order, but Holistic (quite rightly) want to try a different direction - it is our understanding that FASA will be bringing out their own Noble Armada game. Any questions as to the line's future are best directed at them or Holisitc - I am afraid we are not party to any more information than you at this point.

On a personal note, I do find this a very great shame. I really do believe that, of all the A Call to Arms rules sets, Noble Armada is currently the best. Each of the core fleets seems, superficially, to be quite similar, but they all have their own unique character and nothing beats a good boarding action - in fact, if you grab the right enemy ship, you can reverse certain defeat and pull off a victory to remember. Not every game lets you do that on a regular basis!

However, we must bow to the realities of business and acknowledge that, best efforts aside, this is not going to be the game and line both we and Holistic want/need it to be.

All that said, we don't want to leave players stranded, and so we are having a little end of line sale - 50% off all Noble Armada models and books, while stocks last.

It is worth pointing out that if there is something you are after, act quickly, as we have fed stock totals into our web site, and once they are gone, models will disappear from the web site forever. If you are a Hawkwood player, for example, and are looking for cruiser support, please be aware that we have just one model each of the Vladimir and Heracles as i type this. For other models in other fleets, we don't have any more than a dozen of anything, and some ships are already out of stock - so act quickly!

If you are a big fan of Noble Armada, I apologise for bringing you down on this Tuesday afternoon, but you may just be able to bag yourself a bargain.

You can find all currently available books and models here;

http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/minia ... rmada.html

Oh, one final thing - I know we have quite a few Noble Armada players near Swindon. If you chaps fancy one last Noble Aramada event/tournament, we would be happy to run it for you. Just let us know!

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