Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - Final Week To Support Ph. D. The Game on Kickstarter!

From the Game Crafter Website

Ph. D. The Game has a little under one week left on Kickstarter and we have hit our goal and are steadily pushing towards our stretch goals!  

Some interesting updates on our project:
  • We have been in the talks with a designer and are progressing on the updated card artwork (which should be ready by the ship date of our rewards!) – see mock up picture below.
  • All rewards will come in the Small Game box instead of the standard tuck box.
  • We have some fun stretch goals planned that we would like to reach, so please remember that even $1 can help us to hit these higher goals!

Note: The above image is just to give you an idea on our progress and is just one of the few concepts we are considering. This may not be the final design that we use.

We would like to see a big push at the end of the project so we have added a lower cost add-on incentive if you would like multiple copies of the game!

Ph. D. The Game is fun for gamers of all ages from all sorts of different backgrounds!  If you would like more information on the game, please email me ( with questions and I would be happy to discuss the game with you!  Thanks for check out our project!

Note: This article is being promoted on TGC News because the designer is participating in The Game Crafter’s Crowd Funding Promotion. If you would like to be promoted by The Game Crafter then read the details here.

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