Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - The Game Crafter is Going To Phoenix Comicon 2014!

From the Game Crafter Website

We’re pleased to announce that The Game Crafter will be making the journey down to Phoenix Comicon 2014! 4 of our team members will be jumping into an RV and taking Cog on the road trip of a lifetime!

It’s a 26 hour journey each way and that should leave us with plenty of time to play games, to stop at random places along the way, and to shoot some funny video footage. We’re thinking this would be an excellent opportunity to make a documentary about 4 game geeks going to a con! What do you think? Should Tavis put his camera to work?

Above you can see a photo of our 20ft x 10ft booth from Gen Con 2013. We’ll have the same booth configuration at Phoenix Comicon and that means we have room for Featured Designers! It’s always a blast hanging out with all of our community members and we love reaching out to thousands of new people!
If you would like to participate in this experience, you can secure your spot by pledging to the Village in a Box Kickstarter campaign. The Phoenix Comicon spots are $100 and Gen Con spots are $200.

As a Featured Designer, you’ll be able to hang out with Cog and our crew at the TGC booth, demo your games, and meet tons of awesome people! You also get a copy of Village in a Box. :)
Finally, we are interested in hosting a community game night and/or social at Phoenix Comicon (like we did at Gen Con last year), but we’ll need to know how many people will be able to attend. If you’re going and want us to host this then please let us know by posting a comment below or on any of our social media channels. Facebook & Google+ events will be available soon.

Stay tuned for more information…. and see you at Phoenix Comicon 2014!

We’d like to say a special thank you to Trish & Ian Stedman for a) being great TGC community members and b) helping us with this event.

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