Friday, February 21, 2014

Mongoose Publishing Press Release - Famous Firefight: Duel of Judges

From the Mongoose Publishing Website

The Story of Judge Gibson AKA Mutie the Pig

Judge Gibson had been a cadet at the same time as Dredd, and was a close friend – but in his disguise as Mutie the Pig he also undertook numerous hideous crimes. When Gibson realised his alter-ego and life of crime had been uncovered by Dredd, Gibson sought to murder his friend. Fortunately for Dredd, he felt Gibson’s laser sight linger on him just before Gibson pulled the trigger, and avoided being shot. However, in order to nail Gibson, Dredd needed the bent Judge to think he was dead so the crimes would continue to be perpetrated, affording Dredd the necessary evidence. Dredd faked his own funeral, then burst in on Gibson while he was committing another crime as Mutie the Pig.

In their days as cadets, the two men had sworn to patch up any differences by duelling one another, and they agreed the same should hold true even now. Dredd and Gibson returned to the Academy of Law, and fought a fearsome battle in a simulation of Mega-City One, watched by the current cadets. Dredd’s reactions were fractionally superior to that of his friend, and he shot Gibson, causing Gibson to fall to the ground from a great height. Though the Principal congratulated Dredd on his victory, Dredd felt no joy for he had lost a friend, regretfully painting over Gibson’s name on the Academy’s Roll of Honour.


One player has Judge Gibson, the other Judge Dredd. This Famous Firefight took place during an earlier time in Dredd’s career, so use the entry below for him rather than the one in the main rulebook.
Note that Judges Dredd and Gibson trained together in the Academy of Law and remained close friends thereafter, and so are very similar – they both use the same entry below.

Set Up

The duel takes place in a simulation of a dense area of Mega-City One, so try to fill the table up as much as possible! The table should measure 24” by 24”, and the two Judges start 12” away from one another, in Line of Sight.

Judge Dredd takes the first Phase of the game.

Special Rules

Neither Judge can try to arrest the other in this scenario – Judge Gibson has already been arrested! This will be a duel to the death…

Victory Conditions

The Judge who manages to dispatch his opponent is the victor (however, Dredd will not consider this a victory and Gibson will be off to Titan if he wins!).

Judge Dredd & Gibson                                          275 Credits

  Move Agility Shoot Melee Melee Dice Will Armour Hits
Dredd and Gibson 5” +3 +3 +2 4D +2 +5 8
Type: Level 6 Infantry Hero
Equipment: Boot Knife, Day Stick, Lawgiver, Standard Issue Armour, Stumm Gas Grenades
Talents: Academy Star, Accurate, Close Combat Shooter, Crackshot, Headbreaking, Leg Shot, Situational Awareness
Available To: Apocalypse War Resistance Unit, Brit-Cit Justice Department, Justice Department

Case File

He is the Law and you better believe it, punk! Even in his early career, Judge Dredd was noted as an exceptional enforcer of the Law and engaged in a number of high profile cases that marked him with distinction.

By contrast, his close friend, Judge Gibson, turned bad and adopted the disguise of Mutie the Pig to enact several violent robberies. The day he was brought to justice was a sad one for Dredd.

You can download a PDF of this scenario here.

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