Thursday, February 20, 2014

AEG Press Release - Renewal – 2014 Kotei Season Storyline Event

From the AEG Website

Greetings Samurai of Rokugan!

Below you will find the details of the 2014 Kotei Season Storyline Event: ‘Renewal


 In the aftermath of the chaotic madness that plagued the Colonies and whose effects were even felt in Rokugan, the dust begins to settle. Now the, Clans begin to advance their own interests and goals. This reassertion of the prior status quo may benefit the Empire as a whole, but in the meantime, some see opportunities to gain power for their Clans, and even themselves…
 It is still a chaotic time and order must be restored, but at what expense?
 Renewal has begun.

During the 2014 Kotei season, we have sought to allow every player of L5R to directly impact how their Clan will move forward in this time of Renewal. We have established a number of ways that a person can earn Glory (calculate as a point total) for their Clan, and they are as follows:

1 Glory point to a Clan per person who attends a Kotei playing that faction.
1 Glory point to a Clan per person in the Top 8 of a Kotei.
2 Glory points to a Clan for a placing 3rd/4th at a Kotei.
3 Glory points to a Clan for placing 2nd at a Kotei.
5 Glory points to a Clan for winning a Kotei.
4 Glory points to a Clan for winning the Honor Contest at a Kotei.

Example 1: If you win a Kotei as Mantis, you will be gaining a total of seven points for the Mantis Clan; – one for attending, one for Top 8 placement, and five for winning the Kotei.

Example 2: If you come in second, but also win the Honor contest, that would be nine points; – one for attendance, one for Top 8 placement, three for 2nd place, and four for winning the Honor Contest.

Example 3: If you win both the main event and the Honor contest for the Crab Clan, that would net the Clan eleven points; – one for attendance, one for Top 8, five for winning the Kotei, and four for winning the Honor Contest.

Each Clan will be able to vote on how to spend these Glory points. There will be two such opportunities to vote. The first will occur halfway through the Kotei season (5/8/14), and the second will happen at the end of the season (7/3/14) after the last Kotei has ended. In the reward choices below, any reference to ‘another Clan’ will be determined by a second vote. The exact voting mechanisms will be explained, in detail, in a later announcement. The full list is as follows:

1,000 Glory Point Prize
The Clan that claims this prize will occupy the lands of another Clan within the Empire. The nature of this occupation will depend upon the Clans involved, and may consist of either a military occupation or a mission of aid offered to the Clan on the receiving end, but either way it will dramatically change the relationship between the two Clans, for good or ill.

750 Glory Point Prize
The Clan claiming this prize will be responsible for the death of another Clan’s family daimyo. The means of this death will be up to the Story Team to determine, but the existing relationship between the Clans will play a strong factor. No Clan may be targeted more than once in this manner.

500 Glory Point Prize
The Clan claiming this prize will win a crushing military or political victory over one of their oldest rivals. This victory will be absolute, leaving no room for argument or debate as to its outcome, and will be celebrated by the Clan as one of their greatest moments.

250 Glory Point Prize
The Clan gains a hostage in the form of a child of another Clan’s Champion or family daimyo who is fostered to the Clan claiming the prize as security against any potential hostilities from the child’s parent Clan.

100 Glory Point Prize
A hero of the Clan defeats a rival in a duel. The nature of the duel and the Clan identity of the losing Clan will be determined by a vote from registered IA members of the Clan choosing the prize.

Some of the rewards may be limited in quantity depending on the nature of the reward, and all are subject to Story Team approval. However, at the time of choosing, a Story Team member will communicate directly with the respective Clan on their individual Clan online forums. At the halfway point of the Kotei Season (following the May 3rd, 2014 Kotei) we also reserve the right to add or replace the above story options.

Ultimately, whether they decide to spend their Glory points halfway through the season or save them until the end is up to the individual Clans. The total Glory point accumulation, for the purpose of tiebreaks, will still be counted even if Glory is spent at the halfway point.

The point totals will be updated on a weekly basis on the 2014 Kotei page of, and in an ongoing thread on the AEG Forums so that all L5R players, and fans of the game, can see the current totals of each of the respective Clans.

In addition to the points that everyone will be earning for their Clans, the winner of each Kotei will have their own important decision to make…

The Fortunes of Bushido

Few outside the ranks of Rokugan’s shugenja can truly hope to fathom the workings of the Heavenly Bureaucracy. Much like the Imperial City itself, the Celestial Heavens are governed by a vast caste system that begins with absolute power of the Jade Sun and the Obsidian Moon, then goes on to include the spirits of the Kami, the Seven Fortunes, the Thousand Fortunes that serve their masters, and even the spirits of the former Emperors who have ascended to that plane of existence. And among the vast ranks of this Heavenly Bureaucracy, there are those who are tasked with oversight of the mortal world. 

In keeping with her divine connection to the Celestial Heavens, the Divine Empress has revealed to the people of Rokugan the desire of Tengoku to elevate ancestral spirits from the Great Clans to the position of Minor Fortunes, one for each tenet of Bushido. These Fortunes will collectively be known as the Fortunes of Bushido, and will forever aid the souls of mortals seeking guidance and protection from spiritual corruption, such as the recent difficulties with the Mad Dragon P’an Ku and the heretical philosophy of Fudoism. 

A number of ancestral spirits will also find residence within the newly built Shrine of the Three Dynasties in Toshi Ranbo. This temple, in joint remembrance to the Dynasties that have led Rokugan through its darkest hours, will become a beacon of guidance to the Imperial Families and all the people of the Empire by housing the wisdom of the Clans through some of the Empires most revered ancestors.

When you win a Kotei for your Clan, you will be allowed to pick a Bushido Virtue. This Bushido Virtue will either be something that you feel personally attached to, you feel your Clan exemplifies, or you feel your Clan should embrace.

The Bushido Virtues
Compassion (Jin)
A samurai must temper his violence with mercy for his enemies. 
Courage (Yu)
A samurai must not falter against insurmountable odds. 
Courtesy (Rei)
A samurai should respect honorable opponents, even his worst enemy.
Duty (Chugo)
A samurai’s life is one of servitude. They need not reason why it is. 
Honesty (Gi)
The samurai’s soul has no room for lies. 
Honor (Meyo)
The samurai’s only measure of worth is his honor. 
Sincerity (Makoto)
The samurai acts with conviction, casting aside doubt.

Along with that you will be able to nominate a Human personality from your Clan (the Clan that the Kotei was won with) to be placed on a list of personalities to ascend to become a Minor Fortune or a Guardian Spirit of the Shrine of the Three Dynasties. This personality can be from any point in the game’s history and is subject to Story Team approval. This will be voted on by your Clan player base at the end of the Kotei Season when it is their turn to choose (collectively) via the voting process.

At the end of the Kotei Season, the Clan that earned the most Kotei victories (tie breaks will be based on overall Glory points accumulated by a Clan) will, as a collective player base, vote on which of the personalities put forward for their Clan to ascend to the Celestial Heavens as a Fortune by voting on a particular Bushido Virtue. The player base may choose to vote for a personality to become a Guardian Spirit of the Shrine of the Three Dynasties instead of a Minor Fortune, though only two Guardian Spirits may be selected in total. Once chosen the next highest placing Clan in the Kotei Season (via victory total/tiebreak) will get the opportunity to choose.

If a player has won one or more Kotei during the season, their votes will count for five per Kotei win with a Clan. For example, if a player wins two Kotei with Crab, and one Kotei with Lion, they will have ten votes for this Crab vote, and five votes for this Lion vote. These Kotei winners do not need to be part of the Imperial Assembly, nor aligned with the Clan they won with, in order to vote. These votes will begin in July of 2014, and continue until the final Clan has cast their vote.

Honor Contest
The Honor Contest is allowed to be chosen by the Tournament Organizer, and is worth 4 points to the winner of the event. The Tournament Organizers may run the Honor Contest using the L5R Love Letter game that has been provided to them. This would need to be announced prior to the Kotei on the respective Kotei thread on the AEG Forums.

1st Place at the Kotei Recap
The 1st Place finisher of a 2014 Kotei will receive the following:
  • Seed into the Main Event of GenCon 2014 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA and a seed into the Main Event of the 2014 World Championships in Sheffield, UK.
  • Story choice of what Bushido Virtue (from the above list) to associate with the Clan that they played in the Kotei.
  • Story choice of the name of a human personality (with Story Team approval) to be put on the Clan’s list of potential Minor Fortune/Guardian Spirit of the Shrine of the Three Dynasties.
  • 7 Points to be added to the Clan’s (that was played in the Kotei) total point accumulation during the Kotei Season.
  • $100.00 Gift Certificate to the AEG Online Store.
  • Prize distribution determined by the Tournament Organizer of the Kotei that was attended.

 Honor Contest Winner Recap
The winner of the Honor Contest of a 2014 Kotei will receive the following:
  • 4 Points to be added to the Clan’s (of their choosing) total point accumulation during the Kotei Season.
  • $50.00 Gift Certificate to the AEG Online Store.
  • 1 foil copy of L5R Love Letter.
  • Prize distribution determined by the Tournament Organizer of the Kotei that was attended. 

Any questions pertaining to the 2014 Kotei Season can be directed to the Major Events Manager at:
A PDF of Renewal can be found here.

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