Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - The Game Crafter’s Designer Table at OrcCon

From the Game Crafter Website

On Presidents’ Day weekend, The Game Crafter community will be meeting people and showing off games at OrcCon, a Southern California Convention dedicated to table games. Around a dozen designers from TGC will be represented with their games on display at our Game Crafter Designers’ table, among them my games The Upside and Spare Parts. It’s been a pleasure organizing the event, connecting with other designers, and seeing the great games they’re working on.

The table will be full of friendly faces including myself, and Jonathan Zarco (co-designer of The Upside), along with a cadre of our playtesters and friends. All of us will be working hard throughout the weekend to show off games at the booth and run events on the game floor.  We all look forward to hanging out with a few other local TGC designers. We expect to meet up with Mark Majors from Whirling Derby games, and Mike & Stephen Stagliano who will be launching their Mice and Dice Kickstarter soon. 

So much awareness of new games starts at conventions, so it’s really exciting to have the opportunity to be out sharing what I’m passionate about with new people. It’s always a particular pleasure to watch people laugh as they play a round of The Upside for the first time. If you’re able to attend OrcCon we’d love for you to stop by and introduce yourself. I’ll be reporting back after the con with photos and tips for running a successful TGC Desginers booth. Hopefully you’ll be inspired to go out and run a designers’ table at a convention near you.

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