Monday, February 24, 2014

AEG Press Release - The Ivory Edition Storyline

From the AEG Website

Ivory Edition is nearly upon us, and with it comes great change, both to the world of Rokugan and to the interactive story experience that you have come to expect from the Legend of the Five Rings brand. There have been certain hints and mentions of how this is going to take place over the past few months, but the time has come to be more specific.

First and foremost, we are augmenting the normal L5R experience with an unprecedented undertaking: the creation of the first interactive Legend of the Five Rings novel. Throughout the entirety of the Ivory Edition arc, there will be unique storyline tournaments and events that will allow exclusive impact on the story taking place in the L5R Novel. This will include individual tournaments, global storyline events, votes by the Imperial Assembly, and other special means that will allow the entire L5R fan-base to participate in the creation of this new opportunity.

In addition to devoting our resources to the creation of the novel, the L5R Story Team will be rededicating itself to the quality and continuity of the fictions published on the website during the course of each month. Fictions will be released every other week on the website, each one having had ample time for proper research and editing to ensure that there are no continuity problems and that we have crafted an enjoyable narrative while simultaneously reflecting the input of the L5R fans at every available opportunity.

Ivory Edition is a brave new world for the L5R story experience, and I hope that you’re going to enjoy it as much as we’ve enjoyed planning it so far.

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