Monday, February 24, 2014

AEG Press Release - Changes to the Story Team

From the AEG Website

oday I would like to speak to you not only as the Lead Writer for the L5R Story Team, but also as a fan of the L5R story and a fan of writing in general. This will come as no surprise to most of you, since I believe it has been general knowledge for quite some time, but with the advent of Ivory Edition, we are losing a member of our family; Nancy Sauer is departing the Legend of the Five Rings Story Team after many years of meritorious service.

On the one hand, I am incredibly eager to see what new projects Nancy has planned, and as perhaps the single greatest fan of her work, you can rest assured that I will be first in line to see whatever it happens to be, whenever it becomes available.

This is of course not the first time that we have lost incredible talent from the Story Team. Since I took over as the Lead Writer, we have bid farewell to Lucas Twyman and Yoon Ha Lee, both of whom were extremely talented and a tremendous loss for us here. It’s not since we said goodbye to a great friend and literally a poet, Rusty Priske, though, that a departure has come with such incredible emotional impact. I have told many people that I think Nancy may very well be the most talented writer who has ever worked on L5R, and losing her is not only a great loss for the team, but for those of us who remain on a very personal level.

Nancy, you will be missed more than I can say. Thank you so much for your incredible body of work, and I hope that we will still see you around the L5R universe.

ADDENDUM: Since I first drafted this painful announcement, Seth Mason has also taken his leave of the team. Seth is as old a friend as I have in L5R. I will miss him greatly, and although he was with us only for a short time, his mark will be upon the game for a very long time. Thanks, Seth.

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