It's finally the long awaited day! The release of Kill La Kill and Log Horizon Trial deck!
Log Horizon contains all new cards and will be exclusive to the trial deck while Kill La Kill will include 5 new cards!
Time to log in, and go on an adventure!
Log Horizon contains all new cards and will be exclusive to the trial deck while Kill La Kill will include 5 new cards!
Time to log in, and go on an adventure!
Weiß Schwarz
"We are the first. To look at this view......The first adventurers of this world"
The First Loot 初めての勝利品 from 「ログ・ホライズン」
Weiß Schwarz
"My name is Tenryu. Heh heh heh, are you terrified yet?"1st Tenryu Class Light Cruiser, Tenryu 天竜 from 「艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-」
Weiß Schwarz
"Ah, seriously... When you relax, you really do space out,whether in the game or here."
Asuna Conveying Her Feelings 結城明日奈 from 「Sword Art Online」
Chaos TCG
"That is the true history---"Warfare by moonlight [Erika] ルイス・エーリカ・フロイス from 「戦国†恋姫 ~乙女絢爛☆戦国絵巻~」
Chaos TCG
" attain the title of Akechi Jubei Mitsuhide, that is my only role---"Stage of the Evil Flames 業炎の舞台 from 「戦国†恋姫 ~乙女絢爛☆戦国絵巻~」
Chaos TCG
"You can't miss at this distance! As expected of elder sister!""Suzuki Family" Suzuki [Suzume] Shigetomo & Suzuki [Karasu] Shigehide 鈴木鳥重秀&鈴木雀重秀 from 「戦国†恋姫 ~乙女絢爛☆戦国絵巻~」
Chaos TCG
"That aside, this cake taste really good!"Southern Sweets 南蛮甘味 from 「戦国†恋姫 ~乙女絢爛☆戦国絵巻~」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"That is an evil weapon ruling over 'Яeverse'"Star-vader, "Яeverse" Cradle 星輝兵(スターベイダー) “Я(リバース)”クレイドル
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"No...... Because, that is forbidden."Exorcist Mage, Dan Dan
Monster Collection
Goddess of the Sacred Wheel, Razgiz 聖輪の女神ラーズグリーズ from ブースターパック「アゾールの黒い旋風」
King of Pro-wrestling
go 2 sleep
Five qross
"Ichika, are you alright? Ichika!"Weider of the machine without affiliation, Shinonono Houki 篠ノ之箒 from 「IS 〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉」
Future Card Buddyfight
"Spells can only be countered by spells. That's right, the existance of dragons is like a great spell too."
Dragon Crush ドラゴン・クラッシュ
Future Card Buddyfight
"Cast! Green Dragon Shield!"Green Dragon Shield ドラゴンシールド 緑竜の盾
Future Card Buddyfight
"Spells can only be countered by spells. That's right, the existance of dragons is like a great spell too."
Dragon Crush ドラゴン・クラッシュ
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