And we're back up to speed! After last week's snow storm, there are news that another snow storm might hit this weekend...
But putting that aside, this Friday is Valentine's Day, which also happens to be the release of Chaos TCG's 「リトルバスターズ!~Refrain~」 booster pack!
Speaking of Little Busters!, there will be a live Nico broadcast later! (Unfortunately, only in Japanese (´;Д;`))
For those who do not understand Japanese, fret not! At the same time, BushiNavi will also be broadcasting on YouTube for Future Card Buddyfight! Catch it at the following link: (Yes, this broadcast in English!)
Catch these two awesome broadcasts and be on top of your game!
But putting that aside, this Friday is Valentine's Day, which also happens to be the release of Chaos TCG's 「リトルバスターズ!~Refrain~」 booster pack!
Speaking of Little Busters!, there will be a live Nico broadcast later! (Unfortunately, only in Japanese (´;Д;`))
For those who do not understand Japanese, fret not! At the same time, BushiNavi will also be broadcasting on YouTube for Future Card Buddyfight! Catch it at the following link: (Yes, this broadcast in English!)
Catch these two awesome broadcasts and be on top of your game!
Weiß Schwarz
"Finally, things have become interesting"Another Possessor of Kamui, Satsuki 鬼龍院皐月 from 「キルラキル」
Weiß Schwarz
"Wearing the kamui, I have become one with you!"Being One With the Garment, Kamui Senketsu! 人衣一体、神衣鮮血! from 「キルラキル」
Chaos TCG
"Everyone, it's almost time for a break""Little Busters" beginning of the end [Nishizono Mio] 西園美魚 from 「リトルバスターズ!~Refrain~」
Chaos TCG
"HAHAHAHAHA""Little Busters" a scene in the club room [Miyazawa Kengo] 宮沢謙吾 from 「リトルバスターズ!~Refrain~」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Your attacks will not go through. That is the rule"Taboo Star-vader, Rubidium 禁忌の星輝兵(スターベイダー) ルビジウム
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Be reversed. You're already, my servant."Silver Thorn Dragon Queen, Luquier "Яeverse"
King of Pro-wrestling
Right of Contention for IWGP Heavyweight Championship Title, Tetsuya Naito 内藤哲也
Future Card Buddyfight
"In the battle of nature, there is an unspoken rule. That is, the beauty of life."Duel Law 上対決の掟(たいけつのおきて)
Future Card Buddyfight
"I'm rather proud of today's avatar. What do you think?"Demon Programmer, Marbas 悪魔プログラマー マルバス(あくまプログラマー マルバス)
Future Card Buddyfight
"Did you think that the center was open? Too bad, it's only me!"Quick Summon クイックサモン
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