Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Onyx Path Publishing Press Release - New Release: W20 Rage Across the World and Rites of Renown!

From the Onyx Path Publishing Website

Rage Across the WorldCan’t stop Onyx Path!

Walking the World
The Garou fight their war against the Wyrm throughout the world. Werewolves fight a deadly three-sided war in the Amazon, facing both the Wyrm’s forces and native shapeshifters who do not appreciate the Garou’s incursion. In Cairo, the Arab Spring provides cover for the werewolves’ enemies, but also opportunity and hope. In Iberia and America, the plight of wolves mirrors the Wyld’s declining influence. At home, the Garou must be ever-vigilant for threats against their septs, both from within and without.

Through a Werewolf’s Eyes
This book presents the World of Darkness through a werewolf’s eyes, providing players and Storytellers with valuable information on what life is like for the Garou. In addition to a detailed look at septs and caerns, this book also includes stories from the travels of three Garou who have dedicated themselves to discovering more about the Triat. Storytellers who want to open up the world, and players who want their characters to take up a position in their home sept will find all of the information they need in this book.

W20 Rage Across the World contains:
  • Companion volume to Werewolf: The Apocalypse Twentieth Anniversary Edition.
  • An in-depth look at septs and caerns, including common features and rituals, sept positions, and new systems for caern totems.
  • Stories from the travels of three Garou, highlighting the dangers and opportunities of the Weaver, Wyld, and Wyrm.
  • New antagonists, totems, Gifts, rites, and fetishes.
Rites of RenownDownload the PDF now from DriveThruRPG

Also available is Rites of Renown: When Will You Rage II from DriveThruFiction!

The Game Crafter Press Release - The Game Crafter is #2, Help Make Us #1

From the Game Crafter Website

The Game Crafter is ranked as the #2 board game web site in the world! If you haven’t voted you could help us get to #1.

Onyx Path Publishing Press Release - New Release: W20 Changing Breeds

From the Onyx Path Publishing Website

We’re on a roll.

Changing Breeds for Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition has been released!

Changing Breeds for Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition is here! Everything you need to play any of the other werecreatures of the World of Darkness, including the Lost Breeds. 

Creatures of the Wild 

The Garou are not the only changing creatures to stalk the world. Other shapeshifters hunt in places where wolves do not tread, from sun-lost seas to the darkest jungles, or seek out hidden truths, using the secrets they uncover in the battle against the Wyrm. Shapeshifting spiders spin webs as deftly as they manipulate those around them. Bloody-handed serpents kill swiftly, and then vanish into shadow and myth. The Changing Breeds have their own crucial parts to play in these End these End Times, and must work together or Gaia will surely fall. 

A Menagerie of Gaia’s Children
This book brings the Changing Breeds right up to date, giving both players and Storytellers all of the tools needed to integrate shapeshifters other than werewolves into the World of Darkness. Eleven extant Changing Breeds are described in detail, along with three long-extinct Lost Breeds. 

Changing Breeds contains:
  • Updated details on eleven Changing Breeds present in modern times: Ajaba, Ananasi, Bastet, Corax, Gurahl, Kitsune, Mokolé, Nagah, Nuwisha, Ratkin, and Rokea.
  • Character creation information for each Breed, including brand new Gifts, rites, fetishes, and more.
  • New information on three Lost Breeds: the Apis wereaurochs, Camazotz werebats, and Grondr wereboars. Camazotz werebats, and Grondr wereboars.

Monday, December 30, 2013

AEG Press Release - Latest News Ivory Edition Advanced Rulebook

From the AEG Website

As previously announced, we are pleased to release the Ivory Edition Advanced Rulebook via a .pdf download.

Download the Ivory Edition Advanced Rulebook here.

A more printer friendly version of this file will be released after the end of the Preview Cycle.

This concludes our posting of Ivory Edition Rules for this preview cycle. We hope you are looking forward to Ivory Edition as much as we are!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

After Action Report – Strategic & Adventure Game Association @ El Toro Library, December 28, 2013

I was back in Southern California after spending Christmas with family in Las Vegas in time for the Strategic and Adventure Game Association event at the El Toro Library on Saturday.  Even with people traveling for the holidays we had a turnout of 18 people including a couple of regulars that that had moved out of the area and had come back to visit family.  It is a bit humbling to have people take time out of their holiday to spend a day gaming at your event.  I guess that it means I am doing something right.  There were four games being played at any one time.

I was able to play three games at the event.

To start the day I played Iron Dragon one of the Empire Builder games.

To review, in the Empire Builder family of games the players own railroad companies that are competing to build rail lines and move freight from one city to another based on a set of demand cards that they have.  Once a demand on a demand card is completed the player discards it and draws a new one from the deck.  Included in the demand card deck are a number of disaster cards which include things like derailments and river floods which impede the player’s progress to victory.  In order to win the game, the player must be the first to have track connecting a number of major cities on the board and have at least $250 million dollars.

The setting for Iron Dragon is a fantasy world filled with things like dwarves, elves, and orcs, which is great if you are playing Dungeons & Dragons, but not my preference for a rail game.  As usual I will not review the major differences in this game from the others in the series as I have done so in previous reports.

I started the game with a decent set of cards.  They did not have the best payouts but they allowed me to start building track in an area of the board that usually has a high income potential throughout the game.  I did managed to spend all of my available cash to be able to get the product I would need meet my first three deliveries and get to the fist two destinations.  I normally try to deliver to two locations on my way from one end of my track to the other during my first run to try to maximize my return on the initial track investment but this time for a change I started in the middle of my track and went to the side that had only one delivery because I could not make the numbers work for doing the other way with the money I had at the start of the game but with one small delivery I could make the whole thing fall into place.  As the game progressed, my cards gradually go better and I only ran into trouble a couple of times.  The turning point was when I was able to make a single set of deliveries that got me over $100 million as a payout.  I coasted through the rest of the game and won it.

The second game I played was Ticket to Ride: Nederland.  This is the newest expansion the Ticket to Ride family of games.  As with most of the expansions of the game it comes with only the board and other items that you need for the variant rules but you need to have a set of the Ticket to Ride or Ticket to Ride Europe game for the trains and train cards.

The basic rules for Ticket to Ride: Nederland are the same as the other Ticket to Ride games.  The players start out the game with five tickets that have destinations that they can connect of which they must keep at least three.  They will also receive four train cards. An additional five train cards are placed face up by the side of the board along with draw decks of train cards and tickets

The train cards are the core of the game.  They come in eight different colors and there is a ninth card type which is a wild card and can be used as any color.  These train cards are what are used to make the connections between the cities.  Each connection is represented by a number of spaces that are a single color.  If a player wished to claim a connection between two cities they must turn in the number of cards of that color.  They then place trains from their reserve on that connection.  After a connection is claimed no other player may use that connection.

The players choose one of three actions to take during their turn.  The first is that they may take train cards from the five cards that are face up or from the draw deck.  The second option is that they may claim a connection between two cities.  The third option is that they may take additional tickets.

The variant rule that TTR: Nederland adds is that in order to claim a connection you need to pay a fee for the connection.  The fees are noted next to the connections on the board.  The first person to claim the connection between two cities pays the fee to the bank.  If there is the option to place another connection between the cities the second player pays the fee to the player the placed the first connection.  There is a bonus at the end of the game for the person that has the most money left over.

Since this was the first time that I played the game and I was uncertain of how difficult it would be to make the connections on the tickets, I decided to take only 3 tickets at the beginning of the game.  The most important thing that I noticed at the beginning of the game was that there was more benefit to placing connection early and often as opposed to waiting until you had all of the cards you needed to complete your tickets.  I took this to heart and as soon as I had the cards I needed to make a connection, I would place it in hopes that another person would need it and pay me the money for the privilege to make that connection.  I found that money was not as tight as I thought it might be and I was able to complete my first three tickets fairly quickly and took another set of ticket of which I kept two and completed those in a few turns so I took another ticket which I was able to do.  I could tell it was getting later in the game so I ran out the game collecting train cards so I could finish the game with a with a high point connection.  I did end the game with the top bonus for having the most money at the end of the game as my tactic of laying track early started to pay off towards the end of the game.  Unfortunately that did not help me win the game in the end as I came in second out of four players.

The final game for me at the event and most likely for 2013 was Martian Rails.  Martian Rails takes the science fiction and fantasy elements from Edgar Rice Burroughs, Ray Bradbury and other authors and brings them to the game.  There are canals with water and forest and jungle terrain on the board, cities are called thing like Barsoom and Hinkston Creek, and you even have loads like Roddenberries and Thoats.

I had a dodgy start to this game the cards were not kind to me and I started my track in an area I preferred not to be in but I wanted to see how it would go.  I was able to get some synergy going early on in the game but it proved to be difficult to keep that going and I had to flip cards way too often to be able to get a set of cards that had a marginal pay off.  This put me firmly into second place of three players in the game.

My stats for the event:

No. of Plays
Iron Dragon

Ticket to Ride: Nederland

Martian Rails



If You Are Interested In Purchasing These Games:


Friday, December 27, 2013

Timeline Limited Press Release - The Morrow Project 4th Edition Oficially Released on December 15th

From the Timeline Limited Website

his new edition of The Morrow Project includes new system enhancements and updated timeline for the project. The book is a hardbound with a total of 328 pages. Copies can be ordered here or through your friendly local game store.(FLGS)

Bushiroad Press Release - Today's Cards - 27th December 2013

From the Bushiroad Website

Welcome again to the Card of the Day introductions again! Before we begin, we would like to express our greatest gratitude and appreciation for the continued support everyone has been giving Bushiroad for the past year.

Thank you, and may a fruitful year of hopes and dreams await you next year!

Also, today is also the release of three new products! Weiss Schwarz Extra booster 「Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ」, Chaos TCG Extra booster 「劇場版 STEINS;GATE 負荷領域のデジャヴ」, and last but not least, Victory Spark Booster pack 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」

With that, let's begin our card introductions for the day!

Today's Cards - 27th December 2013
Weiß Schwarz
"... w, what?"
At the end of the Night, Ilya イリヤスフィール・フォン・アインツベルン from 「Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ」

Today's Cards - 27th December 2013
Weiß Schwarz
Class card, Archer クラスカード アーチャー from 「Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ」

Today's Cards - 27th December 2013
Weiß Schwarz
Girl with Twintails, Mayoi Hachikuji 八九寺真宵 from 「Bakemonogatari」

Today's Cards - 27th December 2013
Weiß Schwarz
"I fwubbed it."
Flubbing Girl 噛み噛みの少女 from 「Bakemonogatari」

Today's Cards - 27th December 2013
Chaos TCG
"Shut up!"
Embarrassed anger 照れギレ from 「劇場版 STEINS;GATE 負荷領域のデジャヴ」

Today's Cards - 27th December 2013
Chaos TCG
"I'm pretty satisfied with the real world, even for me"
"Future Gadget Laboratory" resting in the lab [Hashida Itaru] 橋田至 from 「劇場版 STEINS;GATE 負荷領域のデジャヴ」

Today's Cards - 27th December 2013
Victory Spark
"Let's do it too, Kotoha!"
Best Friends, Kotoha & Ao 五十音ことは&七海アオ from 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」

Today's Cards - 27th December 2013
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"I'll send all of you to Hades! Shadow Requiem!"
Shadow Blaze Dragon シャドウブレイズ・ドラゴン

Today's Cards - 27th December 2013
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Ah, sacred beasts, demonic beasts,
their existence itself has been distorted"
Star-vader, Dust Tail Unicorn

Today's Cards - 27th December 2013
Monster Collection
Demonic Lord of Black Flames, Azazel 黒炎の魔神アザゼル from 伝説のブースターパック「不滅なる聖騎士」

Today's Cards - 27th December 2013
King of Pro-wrestling
Landslide, ランドスライド

Today's Cards - 27th December 2013
Five qross
Tomoko's younger brother, Kuroki Tomoki 黒木智貴 from 「私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い!」

Today's Cards - 27th December 2013
Future Card Buddyfight
”There is always a way out. Risks have to be taken.
Those who never give up shall grasp victory"
Survival Chance 死中活路 (しちゅうかつろ)

Today's Cards - 27th December 2013
Future Card Buddyfight
”Inherited knowledge, that is the grimoire"
Dragonic Grimoire ドラゴニック・グリモ

Today's Cards - 27th December 2013
Future Card Buddyfight
”There is always a way out. Risks have to be taken.
Those who never give up shall grasp victory"
Survival Chance 死中活路 (しちゅうかつろ)

Today's Cards - 27th December 2013
Future Card Buddyfight
”Inherited knowledge, that is the grimoire"
Dragonic Grimoire ドラゴニック・グリモ

Days of Wonder Press Release - Happy Holidays from Days of Wonder!

From the Days of Wonder Website

Happy New Year!

Seasons Greetings & Happy New Year
from all of us at Days of Wonder!

Warlord Games Press Release - New: Afrika Korps Kradschutzen

From the Warlord Games Website

Key to the campaign waged in the Western Desert was mobility in order to cross the vast sandy deserts. As a result both sides relied heavily on tanks and transports. Amongst these were the BMW 75 and Zundapp motorcycles utilised by the Deutsche Afrika Korps and adding extra speed and manoeuvrability to your Afrika Korps force are these two new models.

WGB-AK-22-Afrika-Korps-Kradschutzen-motorcycle-c WGB-AK-22-Afrika-Korps-Kradschutzen-motorcycle-a

WGB-AK-23-Afrika-Korps-motorcycle-&-sidecar-aWGB-AK-23-Afrika-Korps-motorcycle-&-sidecar-c WGB-AK-23-Afrika-Korps-motorcycle-&-sidecar-b

We have a huge range of other kits for creating your Afrika Korp force. Here are just a few:

We also have a range of Osprey titles to complement our ranges and rules systems – below are four great books packed full of useful information about the forces that fought during this campaign:

Warlord Games Press Release - The Testudo is Back!

From the Warlord Games Website

After a while out of the frontline whilst we made adjustment to the master model, our ever-popular Imperial Roman Testudo model is once again available.

The Roman Testudo (tortoise) formation is probably the most recognisable battle formation in history.  We wanted to do this legendary sight on the battlefield justice and so we have included an EXCLUSIVE Centurion model leading from the front of the formation and also added a pack of metal arrows that you can stick to the shields and the base to show how effective the Testudo is in weathering a storm of missile fire.


This Testudo boxed set contains:
  • 4 interlocking resin parts: legs/base, bodies/shields, roof and a single shield and head for the Legionary who just can’t help but take a peek!
  • A sheet of full-colour waterslide shield transfers (enough to complete the Testudo and have some spares just in case of accidents)
  • Metal Centurion, leading his charges towards the enemy
  • Metal arrows to attach to the Testudo or the base
No Roman general should be  without at least one of these superb resin kits.

We also recommend you check out the various shield transfers we have available – they give you several ways to finish off your stunning new testudo model!


Warlord Games Press Release - Work in Progress: Judge Cal’s Retinue

From the Warlord Games Website

Showcasing the lighter side of Judge Dredd, these models form the retinue of insane lunatic Chief Judge Cal – as you can see, he has some rather unorthodox views on proper uniform…


Check out our full Judge Dredd range as well as our preview rules for using a Mechanismo Strike Force in your games.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Bushiroad Press Release - Today's Cards - 26th December 2013

From the Bushiroad Website

Good day everyone! The end of the year is coming, and that can mean only one thing...

Comic Market!

As reported before, be sure to attend the biggest manga/anime event in Japan to get a load of extra goodies!

Spend 10,000yen and above and receive a set of post cards, as well as a Five qross promotional pack! Also, by simply purchasing at the booth, you will be able to receive a 「ラブライブ!スクールアイドルフェスティバル」 postcard, as well as a postcard of our brand new card game and anime, Future Card Buddyfight!

For more information, click here. (Sorry, Japanese only >.<)

And on to the cards of the day!

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Weiß Schwarz
"Things that cannot be accomplished alone, can be done well if we do it together"
"Trust" Miyu 美遊 from 「Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ」

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Weiß Schwarz
"Lancer Include...! !"
Class card, Lancer クラスカード ランサー from 「Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ」

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Weiß Schwarz
Stalking ストーキング from 「Bakemonogatari」

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Chaos TCG
"My feelings will not change"
"Future Gadget Laboratory" a moment in the lab [Makise Kurisu] 牧瀬紅莉栖 from 「劇場版 STEINS;GATE 負荷領域のデジャヴ」

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Chaos TCG
"Miss Makise!"
"Future Gadget Laboratory" cleaning up the shrine [Urushihara Ruka] 漆原るか from 「劇場版 STEINS;GATE 負荷領域のデジャヴ」

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Victory Spark
Swimsuit and scarf, Ao 七海アオ from 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Victory Spark
"Hi, I'm Ao Nanami"
Self Introduction, Ao 七海アオ from 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Victory Spark
"Just a little more, do your best!"
Playing in the snow, Ao 七海アオ from 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Victory Spark
"That's right"
Smiling Petit Ao 七海アオ from 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"The flickering flames, turn into power for the flame dragons"
Dragon Dancer, Arabella ドラゴンダンサー アラベラ

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"To rid the world of...... stars, light, and even vacuum."
Star-vader, Dark Band Dragon

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Monster Collection
Siren セイレーン from 伝説のブースターパック「不滅なる聖騎士」

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
King of Pro-wrestling
6th IWGP Intercontinental Champion, Shinsuke Nakamura 中邑真輔

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Five qross
"Putting on make up and wearing short skirts to flirt with boys is something casual girls do"
I'm having fun even if it's just solo play 私はソロプレイを楽しんでるだけだし from 「私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い!」

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Future Card Buddyfight
”Brave... "courage"."
Dragonblade, Dragobrave 竜剣 ドラゴブライブ

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Future Card Buddyfight
”With death always by its side,
the brilliance of life is enhanced."
Hysteric Spear 激槍死狂い (げきそう しぐるい)

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Future Card Buddyfight
”Brave... "courage"."
Dragonblade, Dragobrave 竜剣 ドラゴブライブ

Today's Cards - 26th December 2013
Future Card Buddyfight
”With death always by its side,
the brilliance of life is enhanced."
Hysteric Spear 激槍死狂い (げきそう しぐるい)