Friday, December 6, 2013

AEG Press Release - L5R Welcomes a New Player Design Team Member!

From the AEG Website

I am pleased to announce that Chris Medico has accepted our invitation to join the Player Design Team. Chris is a phenomenal player having won several Koteis and Jeweled Events. He is also a draft specialist. He and his team are largely responsible for the good work you are seeing on the Draft format. His tournament success, plus his knowledge of Draft formats, plus his deep understanding of the game and what makes it tick makes Chris a valuable asset to the team and to the game.

Unfortunately though it is not all good news. Trevor Valentine is leaving the PDT. Always one to offer a unique insight on a problem, sadly Trevor’s work life did not leave him in a position to handle the responsibilities of the PDT. Thank you for the contributions you did make to Ivory Edition Trevor, you will be missed.

Please join me in giving a big round of applause for Trevor while welcoming Chris aboard!

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