Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Game Crafter Press Release - 2013: A Crafter’s Retrospective

From the Game Crafter Website

Each year around this time we like to look back on all that’s happened in The Game Crafter community.
We started hosting game design meetups at The Game Crater.

The community created more than 200 great new games as a result of four contests we sponsored.

Many of you made great videos, spectacular photos, interesting discussions, timeless tweetsand amazing articles, showing  off your TGC love.

We added more than two dozen new games to our staff picks.
Many of you had almost magically huge success on Kickstarter this year.

We introduced cheaper first class shipping, better bulk pricingbulk order fulfillment,  crowd funding promotion, and designer rewards so that more of you could achieve success with crowd funding campaigns.

We introduced a huge number of printed components, and we now stock more than 900 game pieces. Here are the printed components released in 2013:
We also made it easy for you to sell digital files as part of or in addition to your games.
Cog showed up at the darndest places.

We made huge improvements to our production process.

We helped one of our loyal fans, who had recently become homeless, get a job in the game industry.

We launched a brand new web site. And then continuously improved it through out the year with your feedback.

Many of you hosted Designer Tables at various game conventions.

We introduced Accolades as a way to help promote outstanding games in the community.

Quite a few of you were inducted into the Hall of Fame.

With your help we ran an incredible campaign on IndieGoGo to provide free shrink wrap on all your games forever!

We introduced Community Announcements and you have published a couple hundred announcements since then.

Can you believe that together we did all that in only one year? Imagine what we will do in 2014. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

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