Monday, December 9, 2013

Green Ronin Publishing Press Release - Kickstarter Update: Advanced Bestiary for the Pathfinder RPG

From the Green Ronin Website

We are into the last 7 hours of our current Kickstarter campaign, and we've almost unlocked the $50,000 stretch goal! If you've been putting off backing the project, or are just now learning about it, now's the time to get in on the action.

We have added another stretch goal, $55,000. If we reach this level of funding, we will produce a 32-page book of monster encounters, and provide it in PDF format to all backers! You can read all about it and the other stretch goals we've already unlocked, as well as cool add-ons, when you head to the Kickstarter page to back us or up the level of your existing pledge.

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