Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Z-Man Games Press Release - Carcassonne on TableTop December 26th!

From the Z-Man Games Website

We are proud to announce that Carcassonne will be featured on Geek & Sundry’s TableTop on December 26th!

Millions of tiles have been set, roads have been built, and cities have been stolen; yet each year hundreds of people still discover the wonderful game that is Carcassonne. One tile at a time, Carcassonne has become a classic among board games and continues to bring families and friends together worldwide. With dozens of expansions, related products and goodies, Carcassonne has proved that its following is large and loyal. Once you set your first tile you are hooked, there is no going back. The fact that TableTop has decided to feature the game in one of their episodes shows how it is one of the best of the best that the board game world has to offer.

Rumors say that host Wil Wheaton is unbeatable at Carcassonne … will that be the case? Or will someone come and claim victory at the last second? You will have to watch on December 26th to find out!

To celebrate Carcassonne on TableTop, we have tons of BIG surprises ready for you as of next Monday on our Facebook page. Stay tuned to see how we help you celebrate Carcassonne on TableTop December 26th!

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