Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Z-Man Games Press Release - 4000 Carcassonne tiles on the wall!

From the Z-Man Games Website

To celebrate Carcassonne on TableTop December 26th, we want to share a special video with you.

Sometimes we have some crazy ideas here at Z-Man Games! And very often, we use those crazy ideas to make something really awesome like what you are about to see in this video! We recently had an event at our offices to celebrate Carcassonne where employees, friends, and guest of honor Moritz Brunnhofer, president of Hans im Glück, were a part of the action! All were invited toast to the success of Carcassonne, to eat a piece of one of the giant chocolate Meeples, but also to contribute to the construction of a gigantic Carcassonne mural. Hundreds of roads, tons of cloisters and over 450 cities were built during that memorable evening.

You can check out all of this and more in this video! This is the biggest Carcassonne mural ever made! Let’s get the word out!

Here is the link!

What do you think? We want to know! :)

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