Friday, December 13, 2013

Warlord Games Press Release - Showcase: Christmas Truce!

From the Warlord Games Website

The Christmas Truce pack consists of four great looking miniatures depicting a scene on Christmas Day as members of the British and German army meet to exchange gifts. The models are great fun and a joy to paint…

Christmas Truce

Even on the front line Christmas is a time for giving. We have here four soldiers taking some time out to enjoy some Christmas presents.

There is a German Officer enjoying a cigarette, a British soldier enjoying a crate of beer, a German Soldat tucking into a Bratwurst and finally a slightly confused looking Tommy who’s just received a hand grenade for Christmas – no doubt that will come in useful in the coming months.

These models were originally sculpted to represent the playtesters for the Too Fat Lardies: Biffo, Sidney, Squiffy Clarke and Knockwurst Skinner but we think they make a great bit of fun for Christmas!

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