Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Mayfair Games Press Release - Games 100 Names Four Mayfair Titles to its Annual List

From the Mayfair Games Website

Every year Games Magazine helps out weary holiday shoppers by providing them 100 great games from the previous year, as well as a Hall of Fame list of all time greats.

As usual, Mayfair is well represented on 2013's list.

In the Family Games category there were two nominees: Road Rally USA and Urbania.

In the Strategy Games category, Mayfair had another two nominees: Aeroplanes and Five Points: Gangs of New York.

And of course, if you're looking for an all time great, The Settlers of Catan is on their Hall of Fame list.
So keep these great games in mind when making your last minute holiday purchases!

 If You Are Interested In Purchasing These Titles:


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