Friday, December 20, 2013

Warlord Games Press Release - Write for Warlord

From the Warlord Games Website

We are looking for people to write either regular articles/blog posts or longer one-off articles for publication on our website, to be published over the next year and beyond.


We are after articles in two broad categories: hobby related and historical.

Hobby articles would be things like:
1) Painting and converting miniatures
2) Painting and building terrain
3) Painting and converting vehicles
4) Rules and scenarios for one of our games
5) Battle reports
6) Guides to collecting an army
7) How and why you collected your army
8) Assembling tanks and troops

Historical articles might be about:
1) Army commanders
2) Different armies – Romans, Celts. New Model Army etc.
3) Gaming a particular period of history
4) Historical battles including orders of battle
5) Famous or distinctive troops – Companion Cavalry, Spartans, the Old Guard etc.

Of course, the lists above are not exhaustive and we would welcome your ideas on anything else that you think would appeal to the war-games community.

So if you are interested, we would like to see what you can do and to that aim we ask you to submit a short finished article based on something you are working on or reading about now – anything you are currently excited about and think we should be excited about it too.

If it is a hobby article, make sure to include plenty of good photos! These need to be well lit and in focus. Finished models should be shown on a white background if possible (a piece of paper works well). In-progress shots can also be taken on white, or on your work table if that is appropriate (just consider what is in the background!). Please don’t send us models.

The deadline is the 6th January 2014 so you have a good few weeks over the festive period. Send your articles to

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