Good day everyone! The end of the year is coming, and that can mean only one thing...
Comic Market!
As reported before, be sure to attend the biggest manga/anime event in Japan to get a load of extra goodies!
Spend 10,000yen and above and receive a set of post cards, as well as a Five qross promotional pack! Also, by simply purchasing at the booth, you will be able to receive a 「ラブライブ!スクールアイドルフェスティバル」 postcard, as well as a postcard of our brand new card game and anime, Future Card Buddyfight!
For more information, click here. (Sorry, Japanese only >.<)
And on to the cards of the day!
Comic Market!
As reported before, be sure to attend the biggest manga/anime event in Japan to get a load of extra goodies!
Spend 10,000yen and above and receive a set of post cards, as well as a Five qross promotional pack! Also, by simply purchasing at the booth, you will be able to receive a 「ラブライブ!スクールアイドルフェスティバル」 postcard, as well as a postcard of our brand new card game and anime, Future Card Buddyfight!
For more information, click here. (Sorry, Japanese only >.<)
And on to the cards of the day!
Weiß Schwarz
"Things that cannot be accomplished alone, can be done well if we do it together""Trust" Miyu 美遊 from 「Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ」
Weiß Schwarz
"Lancer Include...! !"Class card, Lancer クラスカード ランサー from 「Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ」
Weiß Schwarz
Stalking ストーキング from 「Bakemonogatari」
Chaos TCG
"My feelings will not change""Future Gadget Laboratory" a moment in the lab [Makise Kurisu] 牧瀬紅莉栖 from 「劇場版 STEINS;GATE 負荷領域のデジャヴ」
Chaos TCG
"Miss Makise!""Future Gadget Laboratory" cleaning up the shrine [Urushihara Ruka] 漆原るか from 「劇場版 STEINS;GATE 負荷領域のデジャヴ」
Victory Spark
"Tha~nks!"Swimsuit and scarf, Ao 七海アオ from 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」
Victory Spark
"Hi, I'm Ao Nanami"Self Introduction, Ao 七海アオ from 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」
Victory Spark
"Just a little more, do your best!"Playing in the snow, Ao 七海アオ from 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」
Victory Spark
"That's right"Smiling Petit Ao 七海アオ from 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"The flickering flames, turn into power for the flame dragons"Dragon Dancer, Arabella ドラゴンダンサー アラベラ
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"To rid the world of...... stars, light, and even vacuum."Star-vader, Dark Band Dragon
Monster Collection
Siren セイレーン from 伝説のブースターパック「不滅なる聖騎士」
King of Pro-wrestling
6th IWGP Intercontinental Champion, Shinsuke Nakamura 中邑真輔
Five qross
"Putting on make up and wearing short skirts to flirt with boys is something casual girls do"I'm having fun even if it's just solo play 私はソロプレイを楽しんでるだけだし from 「私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い!」
Future Card Buddyfight
”Brave... "courage"."Dragonblade, Dragobrave 竜剣 ドラゴブライブ
Future Card Buddyfight
”With death always by its side,the brilliance of life is enhanced."
Hysteric Spear 激槍死狂い (げきそう しぐるい)
Future Card Buddyfight
”Brave... "courage"."Dragonblade, Dragobrave 竜剣 ドラゴブライブ
Future Card Buddyfight
”With death always by its side,the brilliance of life is enhanced."
Hysteric Spear 激槍死狂い (げきそう しぐるい)
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