Friday, December 20, 2013

Wyrd Miniatures Press Release - New Year Raffle

From the Wyrd Miniatures Website

Wyrd is running a raffle in an effort to support local brick and mortar game stores. To enter purchase any Wyrd product from your Local Gaming Store between December 20th and January 25th. Every Friday from the 3rd of January till the 31st we will raffle off a special limited edition plastic box set (Your choice of Transparent Pandora, Transparent Rasputina or Dayglow Pandora) to some lucky person who purchased Wyrd product (including all card and board games) at a local game store!

To enter, scan or photograph your receipt and send it to with the exact words, "New Year Raffle" in the title of the email. The receipt must have the date of purchase, name of the store, price, and product code (or name of the item) visible. Unfortunately, hand written receipts can not be accepted. At the end of every week, we will pick a random person in both North America and abroad (Europe, etc) and we will send out the bundle! Winners will be emailed and will have 48 hours to respond, or a new winner will be selected. The store where the purchase was made will also receive one of each of the limited edition sets.

Only product purchased through brick and mortar stores will be eligible. We know that not everyone has an LGS near them, but we are really trying to help support local business. Winners will be picked from entries during that week (so if you enter on week 1, you need to enter again to try to win week 2). You may enter as many times as you wish during any week.

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