Wednesday, December 11, 2013

AEG Press Release - Recent Event Winners

From the AEG Website

Several Winter Court and Stronghold Store events have recently occurred and we are ready to announce the winners and story / design choices from these events. Some choices are still pending. When they are approved, this page will be updated. They are as follows:

Athens, Greece – Amethyst Championship
Winner – Dimitrios Giannakis, playing Phoenix. Dimitrios has chosen Agasha Kodo to become a new Advisor to the Amethyst Champion.

Seattle, Washington – Lvl 10 Stronghold Store Event
Winner - Three Man Team Tournament. Winners chose the flavor trait “The Masked Lion.”

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Lvl 10 Stronghold Store Event
Winner – Chris Medico playing Mantis. Chris chose the flavor trait “The Masked Wasp.”

Barcelona, Spain – Lvl 15 Stronghold Store Event
Winner – Oscar Esteban playing Un-Aligned. Oscar chose the Yari for an Un-Aligned personality to Master.

Madrid, Spain – Lvl 20 Stronghold Store Event
Winner – Albert Mialet playing Lion. Albert earned the right to create a card. He has chosen to create a Holding entitled Padis Dojo.

Green Bay, Wisconsin – Lvl 10 Stronghold Store Event
Winner – Nick Moran playing Lion. Nick chose the flavor trait “Child of Prophecy.”

Chile – Onyx Championship
Winner – Julio Rojas playing Scorpion. Julio has chosen to kill Kitsune Kichi and a member of the Scorpion Clan will become the new Onyx Champion.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Lvl 20 Stronghold Store Event
Winner – Tim Wells playing Lion. Tim earned the right to create a card. His choice is still pending approval.
Congratulations to all of the winners!

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