Friday, April 18, 2014

WizKids Press Release - WizKids Games Announces Star Trek Attack Wing: The Collective!

From the WizKids Website


Greetings Star Trek: Attack Wing Retailers & Fans!

WizKids Games has just posted information about the next exciting Storyline Organized Play program for Star Trek: Attack Wing— The Collective.  In this article, we are going to take a closer look at The Collective to provide you with some more in-depth information about the structure of the the program.

The Collective is a 3-month storyline organized play event series starting in July 2014 with three unique organized play kits each to support one event per month.  The Kits are as follows:

SKU 71508 The Collective Month 1 OP Kit— First Contact
SKU 71509 The Collective Month 2 OP Kit— The Battle Of Wolf 359
SKU 71510 The Collective Month 3 OP Kit— The Battle of Sector 001

Kits include participation prizes for each player, scenario game rules with associated map elements and an exclusive Star Trek: Attack Wing ship for the winner of the event.  Each kit supports up to 10 players.

New to this event series is The Collective Tournament Ship Bricks (SKU 71645). The Collective Tournament Ship Bricks are 10 individually packed ships (with their corresponding cards and tokens) containing one of five different ships that are unique to this event series (each brick contains 2 copies of each of the 5 ships).   The ships are packed in sealed blind boosters so players will not be able to know which ship they will be receiving.

NOTE: Stores may choose to run The Collective organized play events without The Collective Tournament Ship Bricks if they so choose.

For stores purchasing The Collective Tournament Ship Bricks, the suggested format for the events are for players to pre-build a fleet of 90 points and— using the contents of their ship pack they drew from The Collective Tournament Ship Brick— field a 30 point ship that they add to their fleet.  Each ship pack contains options for generic/named ship, captains and upgrades that can provide multiple different configurations for a 30 point ship.  It is recommended that stores charge an entry fee for The Collective events (where local laws allow) to cover the cost of the OP Kit and Tournament Brick.

To recap:
  • The Collective Organized Play Kits will be packed separately from The Collective Tournament Ship Bricks and are separate SKUs to be ordered.  Stores may opt to run The Collective Organized Play series without purchasing The Collective Tournament Ship Bricks if they so choose.
  • The Collective Organized Play kits will support up to 10 players, unlike previous kits that supported up to 12 players.  If a store can demonstrate that they average more than 10 players, they may speak with their sales representative at their distributor to request additional OP kits/Tournament Bricks.
Thank you all for your continued support of Star Trek: Attack Wing and we leave you with this FAQ (below) that will hopefully answer any lingering questions you may have about The Collective Organized Play Event Series.

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