Wednesday, April 23, 2014

HERO Games Press Release - Hero Announces Fantasy Hero Complete Kickstarter

From the HERO Games Website

Hero Games is proud to announce that we will be launching a Kickstarter project in May to create a new core Fantasy Hero book. Like Champions Complete, Fantasy Hero Complete will be a 240 page, moderately priced black & white soft-cover paperback. It will also be a stand-alone product containing all of the rules necessary to play Fantasy Hero with no other book required. FHC will include spells, monsters, magic items, and a sample dungeon delving adventure in addition to all of the Skills, Perks, Powers, and Complications relevant to the fantasy genre. Experienced players will find it to be a handy, easy-to-use addition to their Fantasy Hero library, while new players will be able to sit down with a copy, create characters, and start having fun!

Fantasy Hero Complete will be written by veteran Hero System author Michael Surbrook, with an original cover by Sam Flegal and interior layout by Ruben Smith-Zempel. With thirty years of play behind it, our goal is to include everything Fantasy Hero gamers need, and nothing they don't. New players will love the unmatched freedom of the Hero System, which allows them to create and play exactly the hero they imagine. Longtime fans will appreciate a tight, concise new approach, presenting the full game system at a fraction of its former length.

We haven't decided on what the stretch goals for this project will be. Some possibilities include an expanded setting to accompany the sample dungeon, reprints of the Hero System Grimoire or Hero System Bestiary, special dice, or even an entirely new fantasy supplement! We would very much like your input before we decide. So feel free to go over to the Hero Boards and let us know what you would like to see in terms of content, stretch goals, and backer tiers for Fantasy Hero Complete!

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