Golden Week is coming soon, but first, it will be the annual Great Vanguard Festival!
A host of activities awaits, including the sales of Fighter's Collection 2014! Are you excited for what's to come? More details soon!
A host of activities awaits, including the sales of Fighter's Collection 2014! Are you excited for what's to come? More details soon!
Weiß Schwarz
"See you on the other side."Kirito - Two Worlds キリト from 「ソードアート・オンライン」
Weiß Schwarz
"Haaa!"Confrontation Between the Strongest Players 最強プレイヤーの対時 from 「ソードアート・オンライン」
Weiß Schwarz
"He'll come to save me."Bride of the Fairy King, Asuna アスナ from 「Sword Art Online」
Weiß Schwarz
"See you on the other side."Kirito - Two Worlds キリト from 「Sword Art Online」
Weiß Schwarz
"Haaa!"Confrontation Between the Strongest Players 最強プレイヤーの対時 from 「Sword Art Online」
Chaos TCG
"The change feels a little odd"Change from growth [Kiritani Yukina] 桐谷雪那 from 「最近、妹のようすがちょっとおかしいんだが。」
Chaos TCG
"I'm sorry, I'm heading to work after this"Aunt who is a relative [Akesaka Nanami] 明坂七海 from 「最近、妹のようすがちょっとおかしいんだが。」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Do not think of this as any regular sword"Wild Blade Seeker, Pellam 乱刃の探索者(シーカー) ペラム
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"This is made up of freezing super currents......tear it apart, Cobalt Wave!"
Cobalt Wave Dragon
Monster Collection
Ghost Princess of Flaming Thunder, Kukuri 火雷の鬼姫ククリ from ブースターパック「悠久のハルシオン」
King of Pro-wrestling
Figure 4 Leg Lock 足四の字固め
Future Card Buddyfight
Purgatory Ninja, Zankyo 地獄忍者 残叫(じごくにんじゃ ざんきょう)
Future Card Buddyfight
Purgatory Ninja, Zankyo 地獄忍者 残叫(じごくにんじゃ ざんきょう)*Sigh*... Goodsmile Cafe is under renovations, and will re-open as Goodsmile X Animate Cafe some time in May... In the meantime, since this is Tokyo, there is no lack of theme cafes, restaurants, or even karaokes!! Time to sing some songs again! XD
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