Sakura(cherry blossom) flowers sure are beautiful. Do you have sakura trees in your country?
Weiß Schwarz
Shinnosuke: "Go! Kantam!"Kantam Robot カンタムロボ from 「クレヨンしんちゃん」
Weiß Schwarz
Action Mask & Buri Buri Zaemon & Kantam Robo: """Trio The Heroes!!!"""Dream World ゆめみるセカイ from 「クレヨンしんちゃん」
Weiß Schwarz
Shinnosuke: "The Action Mask on TV is always full of energy"Action Mask アクション仮面 from 「クレヨンしんちゃん」
Weiß Schwarz
"Taiyayea-!"Full of Energy, Himawari 野原ひまわり from 「クレヨンしんちゃん」
Weiß Schwarz
"...... so what should I do now?"Skilled 《Sylph》, Leafa リーファ from 「ソードアート・オンライン」
Weiß Schwarz
"...... so what should I do now?"Skilled 《Sylph》, Leafa リーファ from 「Sword Art Online」
Chaos TCG
"This is Moriya Shrine. A shrine long forgotten"Miracle producing human [Kochiya Sanae] 東風谷早苗 from 「東方混沌符-花風篇-」
Chaos TCG
"That girl, is an enemy, an enemy"Frog that won't lose to the elements [Moriya Suwako] 洩矢諏訪子 from 「東方混沌符-花風篇-」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Be thankful for everything. If you do so, the Jewels will respond in kind"Sprout Jewel Knight, Camille 芽生えの宝石騎士(スプラウト・ジュエルナイト) カミーユ
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Hmm, I'm sleepy, why don't we call it a day?"Battle Sister, Cocotte
Monster Collection
Tentacles テンタクルス from ブースターパック「アゾールの黒い旋風」
King of Pro-wrestling
Flame Warrior of Dreams, Shinjiro Otani 大谷晋二郎
Future Card Buddyfight
"Ah... you have already been slashed."Flash Strike, Yamaihebi 閃撃 病蛇(せんげき やまいへび)
Future Card Buddyfight
"At least, look at the beautiful moon."Demon Way, Geppakugiri 鬼道 月白斬り(きどう げっぱくぎり)
Future Card Buddyfight
"Ah... you have already been slashed."Flash Strike, Yamaihebi 閃撃 病蛇(せんげき やまいへび)
Future Card Buddyfight
"At least, look at the beautiful moon."Demon Way, Geppakugiri 鬼道 月白斬り(きどう げっぱくぎり)
Encountered this just within 15mins of Nakano station. It always surprises me how something this beautiful is that close.
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