Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - Bounty! A game of treasure on the high seas - 2 weeks left!

From the Game Crafter Website

Bounty! is a quick to learn, easy to play card game for 3 or 4 players whose goal is to collect the most gold and prevent their opponents from doing the same. The game design is modeled on the Age of Sail, and players are admirals of different seafaring nations each commanding a small fleet of ships exploring the ocean, and competing over trade routes with the far east.

This is designer Josh Perry’s first foray into the game design world, and he is looking to produce a minimal game with as little overhead as possible in order to provide a cheap game. The indiegogo campaign is designed to raise funds to pay for some simple art, as well as purchase copies of the game for all backers. For Bounty! success is measured by getting the game into the world, not by how much profit it can make. This fact, as well as the design choices make it easy to provide the game at a low cost. The entire game can be purchased through Indiegogo (shipping and all) for just $15, cheaper than most games on the market.

 If you really want to leave your mark on the project though: a host of $50 perks let you get your name (or a name you come up with) onto a ship card in the deck (take a look at the sketch below for an idea of the ship cards).


Your support means more games produced with even better quality art down the line! Help make a dream come to life, today!

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