Tuesday, April 1, 2014

AEG Press Release - Keeping an eye on Crane

From the AEG Website

Greetings Samurai of Rokugan!
Excitement for Ivory continues to build and people continue to join, and return to, the game. However, we seem to face a problem–the power level of the Crane Clan, as reflected in the Kotei results so far. While some might argue this is a case of perceived strength versus real strength, no one can argue that the Clan’s performance in the first few weeks of the Kotei season greatly exceeds that of the other clans.
Quite bluntly, we aren’t satisfied with this situation and are carefully considering what, if anything, should be done. As we do this, it is important to keep something in mind. The shift from Emperor Edition to Ivory Edition was the biggest and most important shift in the game’s history. This was true not only in terms of its power level, but also in the direction we’re taking the game. We’ve had many “balls in the air”, and the result so far has been an excellent, but not perfect, product. There are clearly wrinkles that need to be ironed out. The relatively balanced performance of the clans other than Crane is a testament to how good Ivory Edition is, and that we are on the right track.
So, as we evaluate this issue and determine if it will require our intervention, and what form that intervention would take, we appreciate your patience. You may expect to hear back from us by the end of the current week if there any changes will be made to the game. If any such changes are made, they will not effect this upcoming weekend (e.g. the weekend of April 5-6), but could potentially effect those Kotei occurring on the following weekend.
As stated in our design mission statement, we will always continue to strive to bring you the most dynamic game possible and that, from time to time, this may mean we need to make adjustments. We find this to be a much more preferable situation to taking a route that could end up in a stale and stagnant environment. You have our commitment that we will never stop working on making Ivory Edition the best L5R play environment we possibly can. We likewise appreciate your understanding that the road ahead will always have the potential for some bumps in it and, again, thank you for your patience.

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