Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Onyx Path Publishing - Kickstarter Shipping Update

From the Onyx Path Publishing Website

We don’t typically post Kickstarter updates here on the Onyx Path front page, particularly not once the Kickstarter is over. But this is an issue which truly concerns us, and we want to be open about that.
Quoth Rich:

I’m posting this message to both the Deluxe W20 and HH2 KS pages as the dual ship means this is pertinent to both groups. Obviously, the ship-outs of these projects did not and have not proceeded as you or I had expected. While the greater majority of backers have received their rewards, the time it took for this to happen and the number of folks still without has made this a frustrating and extended process far beyond what any of us need to experience with these sorts of projects.

I’ve heard several reasons for the long ship out, and perhaps it simply was bad to ship anywhere in December at all because of the holiday shipping crunch, or that there were just an acceptable percentage of delays and damages based on the sheer number of books (Onyx Path’s largest and most complex ship-out to date) as the shippers maintain.

Well, it’s not acceptable to me, and I know that those of you who this affected don’t find it all that acceptable either. If December was a bad month to ship- why did the Children of the Revolution ship-out which also went in December the year before go out OK? And why didn’t anyone at these shippers mention that there’d be extended delivery times? Yes, I’m frustrated because I don’t have the answers here, and clearly I needed to know these things.

If you’re a Werewolf20 or Hunters Hunted II backer and have not yet received your books, please read the full update on the Kickstarter site.

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