Many players may recall that Weiss Schwarz had its 5th anniversary last year, but it is now ChaosTCG's turn! Although the first week was held last week in Osaka, the second leg will be held in Tokyo this very weekend at Tosho Center!!
Expect interesting tournaments, events and guests to be present! For more information, visit Sorry, only in Japanese (ノ´д`)
Weiß Schwarz
"First, to decrease the accuracy and evasion status of the enemy,cause confusion by inducing bad statuses,
next, reinforce the weapons and attack strength of allies...!"
Support of an Enchanter 付与術師の援護 from 「ログ・ホライズン」
Weiß Schwarz
Keep This a Secret みんなには内緒だよ from 「Bakemonogatari」
Chaos TCG
"What's wrong, Riki?""Little Busters" most important person [Natsume Rin] 棗鈴 from 「リトルバスターズ!~Refrain~」
Chaos TCG
"I forgot... about everyone..."Memories with Everyone みんなとの思い出 from 「リトルバスターズ!~Refrain~」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"They become stronger, as much as the world is twisted"Planet Collapse Star-vader, Erbium 滅星の星輝兵(スターベイダー) エルビウム
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Got it!"Star-vader, Nebula Captor
Monster Collection
Cross Blade クロス・ブレード from ブースターパック「アゾールの黒い旋風」
King of Pro-wrestling
Takeover, Katsuyori Shibata 柴田勝頼
Future Card Buddyfight
”History shall end, when the dragon forces move out."Day of the Dragon デイ・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン
Future Card Buddyfight
”Positional advantage...that is the shortcut to victory."
Control Unit, Suppression Queen 制圧ユニット サプレッション・クイーン(せいあつユニット サプレッション・クイーン)
Future Card Buddyfight
”Every soldier is vital, as the chance will definitely present itself."Courage" is important in a fight."
Pawn Storm ポーンストーム
Japan has really interesting desserts, but to think that people will still have frozen desserts in the current cold temperatures we are having may be a little strange to some... Xp
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