From the Bushiroad Website
Suddenly, the temperature in Tokyo has plummeted! Now It's near 0 degrees Celsius again! {{(T-T)}}
To think that the coldest days have yet to come! ( ´△`)
And continuing to the card of the day.
Suddenly, the temperature in Tokyo has plummeted! Now It's near 0 degrees Celsius again! {{(T-T)}}
To think that the coldest days have yet to come! ( ´△`)
And continuing to the card of the day.
Weiß Schwarz
Naotsugu: "Woah...... She's a beauty, a real one at that!"Real Beauty in the Flesh, Akatsuki アカツキ from 「ログ・ホライズン」
Weiß Schwarz
"Go carrier jets, time to get to work!"Ryujo Class Carrier, Ryujo 龍驤 from 「艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-」
Weiß Schwarz
"That's an idea that Oshino had, too......But we don't know what the root of her stress is, remember?"
Koyomi Araragi Running Around 阿良々木暦 from 「Bakemonogatari」
Chaos TCG
"It's nice to take it slowly""Little Busters" peaceful place [Kurugaya Yuiko] 来ヶ谷唯湖 from 「リトルバスターズ!~Refrain~」
Chaos TCG
"Rin should try being rowdy till the point of breaking at least once!" "Little Busters" End of the world [Saigusa Haruka] 来ヶ谷唯湖 from 「リトルバスターズ!~Refrain~」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"The Overlord shall even surpass the end"Dragonic Burnout ドラゴニック・バーンアウト
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"Their existence cannot be proven by magic or science.Link Joker is truly a mutated alien force."
Hollow Twin Blades, Binary Star
Monster Collection
Harpie Cloud Captain ハーピィ雲神隊長 from トライアルデック 「雷姫」
Monster Collection
Harpie Wind Captain ハーピィ風神隊長 from トライアルデック 「雷姫」
King of Pro-wrestling
KS TIME, Kazushi Sakuraba 桜庭和志
Future Card Buddyfight
”Don't you get it? We have always been free."Devil Advantage デビルアドバンテージ
Future Card Buddyfight
”Armorknights are soldiers. However,no weapons are issued, so they will have to
take them from defeated opponents."
Armorknight Golem アーマナイト・ゴーレム
Future Card Buddyfight
”Rouga and Cerberus. When they first met, the battle lasted for 3 days, and left multiple scars on their bodies."
Battle Spirit Unite 闘魂合身
And it really snowed all of a sudden after the rain...
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