Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Onyx Path Publishing Press Release - New Release: Overly-Specific Condition Cards

From the Onyx Path Publishing Website

Specific Conditions
Now available in PDF on DriveThruRPG!

Conditions were introduced in the God Machine Chronicle as an exciting new part of the nWoD game system that encourage player agency in the storytelling. Many examples were included in that book, and in both Demon: The Descent and Blood and Smoke: The Strix Chronicle for Vampire: The Requiem. 

Condition Cards have also been produced, in order to make it even easier for players and Storytellers to manage the Conditions in play at their table. Some amazing stories and themes are possible utilizing Conditions and they can provide deeply immersive and compelling moments of significance for your Chronicle. 

At least, most of them can…

Included here are Conditions that are so particular, so specific to a very limited situation, so singular in their use, that in good conscience we just couldn’t contaminate our Very Important game design with them. But, depending on your Chronicle, they also might be just what the moment requires.

Written by David Hill, the Conditions guy himself, and haphazardly and vaguely playtested, these Overly Specific Condition Cards include:
  • A Missing Tire and No Gas, and a Monster Chasing You
  • Broke a Mirror On Friday the 13th
  • Cornered by Things That Are Smaller Than You
And the ever-popular:
  • Don’t Have Any Clues but the Plot Needs to Move Forward

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