Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Game Crafter Press Release - Mob Town heads to Kickstarter

From the Game Crafter Website

Danny Devine won The Game Crafter’s Map Builder Design Contest with his game, Mob Town. After winning the contest, Danny signed a pubilshing deal with Phil Kilcrease over at 5th Street Games and they’ve recently launched the kickstarter campaign for Mob Town!

Phil has been a long time supporter of The Game Crafter and this will be the 4th game he has signed from our community. He has previously signed and successfully kickstarted campaigns for Castle Dash, Farmageddon, and Baldrick’s Tomb. With 32 days to go and already receiving 67% of the $10,000 funding goal, we think this is going to be another great success from The Game Crafter community.

Please consider supporting Mob Town on kickstarter today!

PS - We just learned today that there’s a new pledge level which allows backers to get an advance copy of the game from The Game Crafter. We would like to thank 5th Street Games and Danny Devine for the support!

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