Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Green Ronin Publishing Press Release - Age Bestiary: Chimeric Creatures (PDF)

From the Green Ronin Website

AGE Bestiary: Chimeric Creatures (PDF)Today we present a new product for the AGE System (the rules that power the Dragon Age RPG): Chimeric Creatures.

A motley collection of animal parts brought together in one terrifying package, chimeric beasts are a mainstay of fantasy fiction, mythology, and roleplaying settings. From the noble half-lion half-eagle griffons to various abominations crafted from twisted occult science or sorcery, these creatures provide a serious challenge to even the hardiest adventurers.

Includes AGE system entries for the chimera, cockatrice, griffon, hawkbear, hippocamp, manticore, questing beast, and yali, along with rules for customizing or creating your own chimeric beasts.

AGE Bestiary: Chimeric Creatures

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