Start of a new week, and most of the team here in the Tokyo office, as well as the Singapore office are preparing for the festivities this weekend!!
Yes, it's time for the annual big event in Singapore, Anime Festival Asia!
As mentioned last week, do keep a lookout for the various activities taking place this weekend,
See you all at the event this weekend!! \^o^/
Weiß Schwarz
"Excuse me, 4 pork buns please!!"Straight Kansai person, Ginka 白金ぎんか from 「幻影ヲ駆ケル太陽」
Weiß Schwarz
"Nice criticism, Ginka!"Shirokane Yataro 白金弥太郎 from 「幻影ヲ駆ケル太陽」
Weiß Schwarz
“When the never-ending war draws to a close,she will be the one who grasps the Holy Grail.”
Master of the Golden Sheath, Saber セイバー from 「Fate/Zero」
Chaos TCG
"Ooh ooh-"Sensitive to sound 'Puchidol' [Yayo] やよ from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Chaos TCG
"Shijyou"Little silver princess 'Puchidol' [Takanya] たかにゃ from 「ぷちます!-プチ・アイドルマスター-」
Victory Spark
"P-pardon me"Assistant to Sakurashin Mayor, Kyosuke 岸恭助 from 「夜桜四重奏 〜ヨザクラカルテット〜」
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"That is the unmovable center, the Polaris of the arena"Polar Stern ポラール・シュテルン
Cardfight!! Vanguard
"The knight smiles, in order tohide the tears,and turn it into strength."
Regret Jewel Knight, Urien
Monster Collection
Catastrophe カタストロフィ from 伝説のトライアルデック「ホーリィの手記」
King of Pro-wrestling
Angry Monk, Takashi Iizuka 飯塚高史It has been over a week since this movie started screening in Japan...
Most of the shows are still at full capacity though... O_o
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