Saturday, November 16, 2013

AEG Press Release - Clan Forum Contest Announcement

From the AEG Website

The community of players that has developed around the Legend of the Five Rings CCG is incredible. They are passionate, devoted, charitable, and all around great people. Much of the community interacts via online forums that are operated and maintained by volunteers. The largest of these forums are devoted to the Great Clans of the L5R universe. As we enter the holiday season, we at AEG wanted to give back to the fans in our Community and reach out to them through the Clan Forums, hopefully engaging some new players in the process. To do this, we have developed a contest.


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We recently uncovered a set of Clan Banners, dating back to the early days of L5R. These banners are top quality and were used at trade shows and major events. Now, we’re giving them away to the players via the forums! All you need to do is tell us, in 1000 words or less, what Clan you choose to play and why.
To enter, you’ll need to go to the forum for your Clan and post it in the contest thread. You may enter starting on November 15, 2013, continuing to December 14, 2013.  Then, on December 15, 2013, the administrators and judges of the forum hosting that thread will judge the entries and pick one, who will receive the Clan banner. Pretty easy, right?

To help you get started, here are links to each forum where you’ll need to post your entry. If a direct link was provided to a specific thread, we have linked to that thred:
Good luck and we look forward to reviewing the entries!

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