Thursday, November 21, 2013

So You Want To Buy A Gift For A Gamer - Holiday Gift Ideas for Gamers

The holiday season is fast approaching.  This year the official shopping season that starts with Black Friday will be shorter than it has been in recent years so getting shopping lists together early is more important than ever.  One of the biggest questions that can come up is what do you get for the gamer in your life?

Speaking at a gamer, you can wind up with weird things from people that just do not know anything about tabletop games.  One year I got a home craps set.  I do not know if the person thought that I was running a gambling den out of my home or what.

If you want to get a gamer a gaming gift during the holidays, the best thing that you can do is ask them for ideas of what they want or get access one of their online wish lists.  What do you do if they give you the answer, I don’t know surprise me or you want to surprise them own your own?  Well here are a few ideas.

Stocking Stuffers

If the gamer in your life plays role playing games, one of the best stocking stuffer ideas is dice.  Most RPG players are always looking for new dice and would never turn them down.  A couple of options are a basic block of 36 six-sided dice or a set of 7 polyhedral dice from Chessex.  Chessex makes a good quality die and either item will fit into a stocking easily.


If your gamer is a collectible card game or board game player a great stocking stuffer for them are card sleeves.  Collectible card game players and many board game players like to put the cards they use into protective sleeves to reduce wear and tear on the cards from use.  Ultra Pro and Fantasy Flight Games both have card sleeve options.  If you are purchasing for a collectable card game player Ultra Pro is the better option.  If you are getting the gift for a board gamer, Fantasy Flight will have more options for the different sizes that cards in board games come in.


Expansions and Supplement

 The simplest solution to your gift problem is to purchase an expansion or supplement to a game that your gamer is currently playing.  You can usually find out what they are playing by asking them directly which has the added benefit of getting you brownie points with them because you are showing an interest in one of their hobbies.  The other way is to ask their friend that they game with what game they are playing all of the time.  This will give you an idea what you should look for.  Try to make sure that you can get access to their game library to confirm that you are not duplicating what they already have.

The following expansions are some examples of gifts your gamer may appreciate.


This items I have provided are just some of the options open to you.  There are hundreds of item that gamers would be interested in published each year and the ones that will interest the gamer in your life will depend on where their interests are.  If none of the suggestions here are what you are looking for take a look at our game store here for additional suggestions.

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